Backbone Radio

Dems Done, GOP Up to Bat

Slated on Backbone Radio, Aug. 31 Listen every Sunday, 5-8pm on 710 KNUS, Denver... 1460 KZNT, Colorado Springs... and streaming live at

They're gone! Not to speak inhospitably of our guests; that's not the way we behave in Backbone Colorado USA. But one week of the Democratic National Convention in Denver every century (that's right, they were last here in 1908) is quite enough. We want our streets back, also our airwaves if you don't mind. The past few days belonged to the Obamas, the Bidens, the Kennedys, and the Clintons, not necessarily in that order. The whole show doesn't seem to have done much for the Dems' chances in the fall, especially with 3.3% economic growth in the 2nd quarter and victory shaping up in Iraq. Still, ten weeks can be a long time in politics.

Now it's the Republicans' turn, with the much-awaited VP pick still an hour away at this writing. Labor Day will bring McCain's convention in St. Paul and a possible hurricane in New Orleans. Lots of action at both ends of the Mississippi River; maybe too much.

Our radio show is taking the DNC-RNC contrast as a teachable moment to remind Americans why freedom works better than collectivism. Please join us on the final Sunday of summer as the teach-in continues:

** I'll talk with David Harsanyi of the Denver Post, who nailed the DNC's collectivist line in his Thursday column. Also joining us will be commentators Mark Hillman, former state senator, and Ross Kaminsky, who live-blogged from this week's protest scenes.

** Douglas Groothuis, author and Denver Seminary professor, will analyze Obama's huge problem with the abortion issue among evangelicals and Catholics, a problem that Nancy Pelosi has recently made worse.

** And with everyone yammering about White House greatness or the lack of it, we'll hear from historian Alvin Felzenberg about his edgy new book, "The Leaders We Deserved: Rethinking the Presidential Rating Game."

Better thinking, better government. What could be simpler? The more clearly Americans understand the self-evident truths of life and liberty, the more we can restore the Republic. Will that mean one side always wins? No, they won't deserve to, human nature being what it is. It just means ideas matter a lot, which is why our program keeps on keeping on with such fervor. Join us?

Yours for a nonpolitical Invesco Field, JOHN ANDREWS ----------------------------------------------------- WEEKNIGHTS WERE FUN: Your friends from Backbone Radio enjoyed ourselves this past Monday through Thursday doing "DNC Special Report" for an hour every night on 710 KNUS. Thanks to all of you who listened, called, or emailed us. And thanks to the great 710 staff who supported us. ----------------------------------------------------------- GET YOUR TABOR T-SHIRT TODAY: Ritter is in court trying to evade TABOR. Romanoff will be on the ballot trying to gut it. Show your colors in opposition with our white tee emblazoned "I (Heart) TABOR" in red & black. Send $10 with size and postal address to Backbone, 8547 E. Arapahoe #J-122, Englewood CO 80112.

Democrats Do Denver

Slated on Backbone Radio, Aug. 24 Listen every Sunday, 5-8pm on 710 KNUS, Denver... 1460 KZNT, Colorado Springs... and streaming live at

Hide your children. Democrats gathering for their presidential nominating convention are about to "do Denver" in a blue movie that won't be pretty, even if it's not as X-rated as the infamous "Debbie Does Dallas." The madness starts this weekend and builds through Thursday, when Obama's stadium speech will close Colorado's main highway, the interstate through downtown Denver, for several hours, threatening the mother of all traffic jams. We knew Dems didn't like cars and roads, but isn't this going a bit far? Apparently not. DNC week here at the foot of the Rockies will be an object lesson to the state and nation about liberals' habit of taking it to the limit, and I'm betting Americans won't like what they see. Here we go then, what a ride it's going to be.

Backbone Radio on Sunday night, convention eve, brings you a great lineup of guests to preview the days ahead. Who's joining me?

** Ken Hamblin, the Black Avenger of talk radio and book fame, offers his contrarian view of Obamania. City councilman Charlie Brown, a lonely voice of reason amidst local politicians' sweetness toward the Recreate '68 protesters, talks about the preparations to keep order on Denver streets.

** Dick Wadhams, state Republican chairman, tells why his side expects to benefit from the antics of their side. Commentators Jay Ambrose and Jessica Corry add their two bucks' worth. (A cent buys nothing any more in today's inflated money, which unfortunately is a bipartisan, not a partisan problem.)

Plan to listen in on all our stations -- Denver, Colorado Springs, Grand Junction -- and call in at 303 696 1971. Or email your comments and questions to

Yours for a G-rated America, JOHN ANDREWS

This is not a drill

Slated on Backbone Radio, Aug. 17 Listen every Sunday, 5-8pm on 710 KNUS, Denver... 1460 KZNT, Colorado Springs... and streaming live at

The seriousness of real life is difficult for liberals to grasp, but events have a way of breaking in. Russia invades Georgia, a US ally. Domestic energy supplies gain sudden urgency after decades of denial. Reckless lending pops the housing bubble and a weak dollar fuels inflation. The litigation lottery rewards a few while punishing everyone else. Racial victim policies hurt the very people they were supposed to help. This is not a drill, it's our world -- a world where ideas have consequences and you can't fool mother nature or remake human nature.

Obama's platitudes about "one world" having brought down the Berlin Wall, or Udall's woolly logic in opposition to oil exploration, sounded so plausible a couple of weeks ago. Now they're exposed as embarrassingly juvenile. McCain and Schaffer stand taller with their grownup realism.

This Sunday on Backbone Radio we'll talk national security with Marvin Hutchens of presidential politics with Joseph C. Phillips... clean coal with industry expert Brad Jones... civil rights with Ward Connerly... and law with Attorney General John Suthers.

Plus we'll hear from Matt Dunn about his medical mission to Ethiopia, and from Joshua Sharf about his big win in the legislative primary, with a full analysis of how they ran in all the Colorado primaries this week. Please join us as our new Grand Junction affiliate takes the Backbone network statewide for the first time.

Yours for self-government, JOHN ANDREWS