Backbone Radio

Why not Obama?

Slated on Backbone Radio, Oct. 26 Listen every Sunday, 5-8pm on 710 KNUS, Denver... 1460 KZNT, Colorado Springs... and streaming live at

When the votes are counted in ten days, America will have chosen either a big man or a con man as the next President. It's not that either candidate is supernaturally good or bad. Each is an imperfect human being with a mixture of admirable and less admirable qualities. But John McCain is simply better prepared for the toughest job in the world, and his center-right policies are more likely to bring us peace and prosperity. Barack Obama would govern from the left and by guesswork. Our enemies would aggressively target his weaknesses, as Joe Biden himself has warned. Electing him would be a leap in the dark.

As my neighbor Ted said this morning: "When people hesitate on McCain because they don't want a third term of Bush, I tell them... much less can we afford a second term of Jimmy Carter." Bingo! Obama in the White House, in fact, would jeopardize the economy, national security, and our liberties to an extent that makes Carter look like TR. Not pretty.

** Brad O'Leary, author of "The Audacity of Deceit," joins me on Backbone Radio this Sunday for a complete rundown on his disturbing findings about the Dem nominee. For an interactive preview of the book, go to

** Plus we'll get the story on Obama's support of sex education for kindergartners from Joneen MacKenzie of Wait and we'll talk with Silver Salazar, cousin of the Democratic senator and a leader of Colorado Democrats for McCain.

** Glenn Spencer of the US Chamber of Commerce joins me for a briefing on the labor union bill to deprive employees of a secret ballot in the workplace... a good reason to vote against Udall for Senate and against Obama for President.

** And our Republican candidate profiles will continue as we talk with Scott Starin for Congress in CD2... John Lerew for Congress in CD7... and Suyann Duthie for State Senate in Aurora.

Dem spinners and the mainstream media -- but I repeat myself -- want you to believe the race is over, the polls are irretrievable. Don't buy it. Polling itself belies that conclusion. It's not over till November 4, and America needs the best from each of us, all the way to the finish line. Onward.

Yours for self-government, JOHN ANDREWS

Plumb confused

Slated on Backbone Radio, Oct. 19 Listen every Sunday, 5-8pm on 710 KNUS, Denver... 1460 KZNT, Colorado Springs... and streaming live at

Is Obama in some kind of time warp? Not only does he think he's running against Bush in 2004. Not only does he act like 2001, when Ayers said he and fellow terrorists "didn't do enough," is ancient history. He also justifies his "spread the wealth around" tax plan by saying it would have helped Joe the Plumber five years ago -- before Joe saved enough to better himself as he now has. Huh? We're talking about a guy who did save enough to better himself, by himself. What does Joe or anyone like him need with Barack's socialist confiscation and redistribution?

The Democratic candidate needs his mind replumbed. Backbone Radio can't do that, unfortunately, but we can help you filter the news, float the facts to the top, and flush the rest. Plug into our pipeline of principle this Sunday.

** My upcoming Denver Post column on Twenty Reasons to Support McCain will be Topic A.

** I''ll be talking with Aurora Councilman Ryan Frazier about the Right to Work campaign he chairs, the important Amendment 47 proposal to curb union power.

** And we'll hear from National Review writer John Hood about the money pit called higher education, which conservatives can start reforming no matter what happens Nov. 4.

** Plus another round of our Legislative Call to Action, the series we started last week with state Republican candidates. This time you'll meet John Hadfield for Senate, Ali Hasan for House, and other good ones.

** Plus a full hour running down all the Colorado ballot issues, with my recommendations on voting yes or no and why.

Conservative stalwart Steve Schuck reminded me this week that in 55 BC the Roman statesman Cicero wrote: "The budget should be balanced, the treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed, lest we become bankrupt. The people must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance."

So our problems aren't new, it's just a question of having the backbone to face them. Cicero would have only withering scorn for the lies of Obama. Understanding what it takes to preserve a republic, he'd be with you and me for McCain, Schaffer, and all the Republicans.

Yours for the American republic, JOHN ANDREWS

Columbus Day blues

Slated on Backbone Radio, Oct. 12 Listen every Sunday, 5-8pm on 710 KNUS, Denver... 1460 KZNT, Colorado Springs... and streaming live at

So you're feeling down because it doesn't appear your guy will win the election, or because the world's strongest economy is pretty sick right now? Take a little courage from the godly hero we honor every year on October 12, Christopher Columbus. Determination when things were tough? Vision when others lacked it? Perseverance in adversity? Backbone to brave the unknown? Columbus had them all. Seems to me a dose of his medicine would do Americans a lot of good in this stormy autumn.

This now-neglected holiday isn't the only way we recognize the discoverer of the New World, the Admiral of the Ocean Sea. Every time we speak of Washington DC, we unthinkingly echo the old poetic name for America, taken from his name -- Columbia.

Two songs with the same echo were our unofficial national anthems until the current one was adopted in 1931. "Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean," calls our land "the ark of freedom's foundation," undaunted by gales. "The world offers homage to thee," it says, and that's still true. Who's in the White House or how low the market goes won't change it a bit.

"Hail Columbia" exhorts: "Firm, united let us be, rallying round our liberty. As a band of brothers joined, peace and safety we shall find." That challenge and that hope are still true as well. A heart for liberty and a hand of brotherhood are if anything more needed in tough times like these.

Tune in this Sunday, Columbus Day, and together we'll shake off those red-ink, blue-state blues.

** I'll talk with Chris Horner of the Competitive Enterprise Institute about global warming myths... with Steve Maggi of Evergreen Freedom Foundation about "Flunked," his movie on failing schools... and with Anne Neal of ACTA about how liberalism is eroding our sense of American identity.

** Also quick hits with Republican contenders in the 10 hottest legislative races... Senate candidates like Libby Szabo and House candidates like Dave Kerber... plus a rundown on our yes/no recommendations for all the Colorado ballot issues.

"Thy banners make tyranny tremble." Remember singing those Columbia lyrics in grade school? Few kids learn them in today's NEA-dominated multicultural mush factories. Yet with global tyranny threatening, if we don't fight back, who will? That's why Backbone Radio is into defiance, not discouragement. How about you?

With the spirit of 1776 and 1492, JOHN ANDREWS