Slated on Backbone Radio, Nov. 2
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Why do we form governments? To secure our God-given rights, and for that reason only. Where do those governments derive their powers? From the consent of the governed, and from nowhere else. What standard must those powers meet in order to be legitimate? They must be just, and nothing else. So Americans are instructed by our birth certificate, the Declaration of Independence. In coming days, as we renew the world's oldest continuing exercise of consent of the governed, let's keep these fundamentals uppermost. Candidates who claim that government gives us our rights, and who promise us new rights if we entrust them with government, should be rejected. Candidates who propose unjust Marxist uses of power, and who chafe at constitutional constraints, should be rejected. Candidates who seek to subvert the very process of consent with fraudulent votes and illicit money should be rejected.
In other words, Barack Obama with all his radicalism and all his wizardry should be rejected for President of the United States next Tuesday -- and John McCain with all his imperfections and all his nobility should be elected.
Please join me and Joshua Sharf and Kathleen LeCrone for Backbone Radio this Sunday. We'll talk about these profoundly important issues with five of the most honorable and thoughtful men I know.
** Colorado Secretary of State Mike Coffman will talk about our state in the focus of national attention over ballot integrity, and about what's at stake in the next Congress, where he hopes to serve.
** Bob Beauprez, former state party chairman, gubernatorial candidate, and congressman, will talk about post-election challenges for Republicans and conservatives regardless of who wins on Nov. 4.
** Two of our regular contributors, Jay Ambrose on politics and policy and Daveed Gartenstein-Ross on national security, will analyze the 2009 landscape as a new administration takes over in Washington DC.
** Plus a primer from Dr. Vincent McGuire, CU political science professor and constitutional conservative, about the electoral college, its vital role in our republic, and how it plays in this year's campaign.
Election 2008 is far from over. Our efforts and our attitude, hour by hour from now to Tuesday night, will make the difference in how America's consent of the governed turns out this time. Let's be "all in" for our beloved country, as Franklin and the other Founders were in revolutionary days.
Yours for the Declaration & Constitution,