Backbone Radio

Blue Colorado

Slated on Backbone Radio, Mar. 15 Listen every Sunday, 5-8pm on 710 KNUS, Denver... 1460 KZNT, Colorado Springs... and streaming live at

Colorado was reliably Republican not long ago. Now it's a Democrat stronghold, the place Obama comes for photo ops, ground zero for the spending lobby and the liberal agenda. What changed, and how did it happen so fast? Rob Witwer, attorney and former state representative, has analyzed the shift in a major article for National Review, entitled "Rocky Ride." He'll be my opening guest on Backbone Radio this Sunday.

** Plus Jessica Corry of Face the State, one of the new media voices that may help conservatives get back on offense... and Nathan Chambers, former GOP chairman of Arapahoe County who's now running for state vice chairman.

** Plus Joseph C. Phillips with a first-person report on the International Conference on Climate Change held this week in New York, the folks who dare to ask if global warming was ever a crisis in the first place (before global cooling set in).

** Plus Jamie Glazov, author of the new book "United in Hate: The Left's Romance with Tyranny and Terror."

It will be a good show, and we hope you'll be listening. Blue Colorado is due for a color change, with your help.

Yours for a red-state renewal, JOHN ANDREWS

Newsroom fadeout

Slated on Backbone Radio, Mar. 1 Listen every Sunday, 5-8pm on 710 KNUS, Denver... 1460 KZNT, Colorado Springs... and streaming live at

Flinty old Thomas Jefferson said he'd rather have newspapers and no government than a government and no newspapers. Freedom of expression and suspicion of power should be as fundamental to us as they were to America's founders. The passing of the Rocky Mountain News doesn't just leave an empty place in the Colorado landscape. It points up another way in which the 21st century calls for extra vigilance in guarding our liberties. Vigilance is the watchword on this week's edition of Backbone Radio.

** Veteran journalist Al Knight will talk about his years on the Rocky from 1971 and now on the Denver Post since 1988.

** Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform will analyze Obama's revolutionary plans for the economy and the budget... Ken Davenport, who blogs on international relations, will assess the new president's opening moves on defense and foreign policy.

** Plus Colorado Republican Vice-Chair Perry Buck.... and military historian Jim Krefft.

Meanwhile in Congress, liberals are setting the stage for an FCC squeeze against conservative talk radio. Our little show, along with the big syndicated talkers you enjoy all week on 710 KNUS, may be on borrowed time just like the lamented Rocky. Listen while you can!

Yours for patriotic dissent, JOHN ANDREWS