Backbone Radio

Choice or force?

What a great time to be alive, if you love liberty. I'd rather be fighting for the survival of all we hold dear, as now becomes imperative in America, than coasting along in tranquil times with our mettle untested. Facing Obama's naked power grab to veer this country left, we have the privilege to participate in a decisive moment almost like 1861 or 1787. Writing in Federalist No. 1, Hamilton said his generation must "decide the important question, whether societies of men are really capable or not of establishing good government from reflection and choice, or whether they are forever destined to depend for their political constitutions on accident and force." You and I are in a similar fight today against the coercive utopians seeking to force us toward a European-style future. The battle rages on many fronts, and we'll survey them on Backbone Radio this Sunday. Please join us.

** Global warming adversaries James White of CU and Chris Horner of CEI will be along to preview their upcoming Denver debate. Tickets for the April 8, 730pm event at Centennial Institute are free if you click here.

** Ryan Frazier pitches his US Senate candidacy... Mike Littwin reviews the Ward Churchill trial... and John Fonte unmasks the latest hard-left Obama appointee on Hillary Clinton's team.

** Plus Prof. Richard Reeb on the moral foundations of freedom... and Marya DeGrow on parental rights in homeschooling.

Some may wish for a more placid politics and hang back. But those who step up will remember these dark days of 2009 as bright days. They'll be bonded forever in the American cause as "we few, we happy few, we band of brothers," like Henry V's men at another glorious hour. Let's answer the call.

Yours for the Constitution, JOHN ANDREWS

Not the only snow job

Slated on Backbone Radio, Mar. 29 Listen every Sunday, 5-8pm on 710 KNUS, Denver... 1460 KZNT, Colorado Springs... and streaming live at

So spring came and Colorado finally got the blizzard that winter never brought. But looking over the national landscape, a far worse snow job is being done on the American people by liberals in politics, media, and academe. We're here to help you plow through it and regain traction for liberty. Hop aboard and let's tackle the drifts. This Sunday I'll talk with David Horowitz about his new book, "One Party Classroom," perfect for the Ward Churchill fraud show now playing in Denver... and with Philip Howard, author of "Life Without Lawyers" and leader of the Common Good movement.

** David Bradshaw, an economist with SwissAmerica, talks about inflation risks from the Obama budget... and Jacob Leis of Western Tradition Partnership exposes the radical green agenda for Colorado.

** Plus Scott Gessler, Republican candidate for Secretary of State, on the worsening threats to fair and honest elections.

Rush Limbaugh's ratings have surged since Obama anointed him America's bogeyman. If only someone would shower OUR show with free publicity. All we get so far is the silent treatment from Gov. Ritter and Lt. Gov. O'Brien, neither of whom will come near our microphone. And Colorado Media Matters has shut down. Spoilsports.

Yours for conservative renewal, JOHN ANDREWS

Ten years in battle

Slated on Backbone Radio, Mar. 22 Listen every Sunday, 5-8pm on 710 KNUS, Denver... 1460 KZNT, Colorado Springs... and streaming live at

If you don't see politics right now as a fight for the very survival of individual liberty and constitutional government, you're not paying attention. One Colorado patriot who clearly sees it that way, and has fought hard, mostly on offense, throughout his career, is former Congressman Tom Tancredo. Tom recently completed ten years in battle in Washington DC, representing suburban Denver in the US House, and his energies are now targeted on issue activism here in the state -- as well as a possible return to elective office. "In Mortal Danger," the title of his latest book, has even more urgency for America now that Obama is president.

** Tom Tancredo will spend an hour in the studio with us this Sunday, talking about wins and losses of the past decade and what we must do as the battle continues now.

** Colorado's own capitol is a battleground this spring as well, with liberal Democrats aggressively pushing their agenda. We'll talk with Republican State Sen. Mike Kopp about taxes, tuitions, judges, and all the other issues.

** Plus Muslim truth-teller Nonie Darwish, born the daughter of a Gaza terrorist and now a voice for resistance against jihad and Sharia law.

** Plus Jonathan Witt of the Acton Institute with a briefing on their powerful documentary film, "The Birth of Freedom." Unless we know our heritage and history, we're at grave risk of losing them -- see current headlines.

Please join us Sunday at 5:00 for the most principled, most patriotic, most faith-based, most Colorado-proud radio rendezvous of the weekend. The stakes just keep getting higher. Will we measure up?

Yours for self-government, JOHN ANDREWS