Read John's Show Preview 5PM Show Open John Andrews, Karen Kataline, and Matt Stark
5:30PM Guest: Dan Gainor
6PM Guest: Chuck King and Troy Nissen
6:30PM Guests: Scott Walter
7PM Guest: Dr. Doug Groothuis
Read John's Show Preview 5PM Show Open John Andrews, Karen Kataline, and Matt Stark
5:30PM Guest: Dan Gainor
6PM Guest: Chuck King and Troy Nissen
6:30PM Guests: Scott Walter
7PM Guest: Dr. Doug Groothuis
Slated on Backbone Radio, Apr. 19 Listen every Sunday, 5-8pm on 710 KNUS, Denver... 1460 KZNT, Colorado Springs... and streaming live at
Americans, lots of us anyway, are jealous of our liberty and alarmed by the threat to it in 2009 from what I call the "five bigs" -- big government, big business, big labor, big education, and big media. That's the message from this week's remarkable grassroots upsurge of Tea Parties across the country. Was the whole thing somehow staged, as Gibbs, Pelosi, and CNN have suggested? Absurd. Its genuineness was obvious to all who took part.
But was this a one-off spring fling with no sustained impact? That's an open question, and the answer is up to us. The Boston Tea Party in 1773 fueled a growing citizens movement that led America to nationhood. Whether the current protest becomes a movement or remains a mere gesture, depends on you and me.
Backbone Radio will do its part to keep the teapot aboil. Please join us this Sunday.
** I'll talk with Dan Gainor of the Media Research Center about MSM coverage of the Tea Parties. It wasn't their finest hour.
** Plus Chuck King, dean of the business school at Colorado Christian University, who is chairing a free-enterprise summit next week... and Scott Walter of the Becket Fund, who has diagnosed the civics deficit on our campuses.
** Plus an hour with Douglas Groothuis from Denver Seminary, exploring the moral and spiritual foundations of limited government and individual freedom.
"Give me liberty or give me health care; liberty or stimulus; liberty or bailouts," was not the view of the patriots who founded this Republic. Nor should it be ours.
Let's keep the left in hot water, JOHN ANDREWS
Easter Special John and Tina Andrews
Slated on Backbone Radio, Apr. 12 Listen every Sunday, 5-8pm on 710 KNUS, Denver... 1460 KZNT, Colorado Springs... and streaming live at
We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to bring you Easter. It's the holiest day of the year for Christians, and an important day for everyone in the world because of Jesus' unequalled impact on the world these past 20 centuries. If you have ever read C. S. Lewis, you know there are few writers more gifted in explaining who Jesus was and why he matters, in a way that speaks to any thoughtful person, not just believers. If you have not read Lewis, let us read him to you this Sunday in a special edition of Backbone Radio.
Assisted by my daughter Tina, I'll present two hours word for word from the central chapters of Mere Christianity, Lewis's best-known work of nonfiction.
"The Rival Conceptions of God"... "The Invasion"... "The Shocking Alternative"... "The Perfect Penitent"... "The Practical Conclusion"... "Let's Pretend"... and "The Obstinate Tin Soldiers." Our selections from this Christian classic all originated as radio talks in the 1940s. Join us as we return them to radio for Easter 2009.
That will be the 5pm and 6pm hours of our April 12 show. At 7pm we'll present Women Speak Out, my interviews with three of the 39 women legislators who make Colorado tops in the country for female state reps and senators.
And that's fitting, too, come to think of it -- since Christianity has done more to benefit women than any other religious or political idea in history.
Whether this weekend for you is Easter, Passover, or just a family day with bunnies and eggs, we wish you a happy and blessed one. Remember that, as always, a full podcast of our show will be available on starting Monday night.
Yours for new life, JOHN ANDREWS
Read John's Show Preview 5PM Show Open John Andrews, Joshua Sharf, Matt Dunn with guest Marya DeGrow
5:30PM Guest: James White and Chris Horner
6PM Guest: Richard Reeb
6:30PM Guests: Mike Littwin
7PM Guest: John Fonte
7:30PM Guest: Ryan Frazier