Read John's Show Preview 5PM Show Open John Andrews, Matt Dunn, and Joshua Sharf
5:30PM Guest: Mark Hillman
6PM Guest: Rabbi Daniel Zucker
6:30PM Guests: Archbishop Chaput
7PM Guest: Under the Dome Special
Read John's Show Preview 5PM Show Open John Andrews, Matt Dunn, and Joshua Sharf
5:30PM Guest: Mark Hillman
6PM Guest: Rabbi Daniel Zucker
6:30PM Guests: Archbishop Chaput
7PM Guest: Under the Dome Special
Slated on Backbone Radio, Aug. 23 Listen every Sunday, 5-8pm on 710 KNUS, Denver... 1460 KZNT, Colorado Springs... and streaming live at
Chicago muscle tactics spread to new areas of formerly-free America week by week. Now comes Obama's diversity czar for broadcasting, with a brazen confiscation scheme that could drive conservative radio to extinction. And you thought liberals cared about endangered species. Right-minded talk hosts don't evoke the same solicitude from President Hope & Change as a polar bear on his iceberg or the little Delta smelt on prime California farmland. But you won't hear any whiny victim noises from us at Backbone Radio. We'll be cheerfully on the air for liberty until Axelrod axes us. Bring it on.
** This Sunday as the congressional recess rolls on, with many Obamacare backers wishing it was over, we'll talk with Mark Hillman, GOP national committeeman for Colorado, about the Democrats' woes.
** Faith-based and proud of it, our show will also feature Rabbi Daniel Zucker with a report on democracy vs. Islam and Archbishop Charles Chaput with insights from his new political book, "Render to Caesar."
** Plus former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore on the lessons for our state in 2010 from his state's "No Car Tax" campaign in 1997... with zingers from Scott McInnis and Josh Penry on the car tax backlash here.
Providing habitat for your sanity, JOHN ANDREWS
Read John's Show Preview 5PM Show Open John Andrews, Karen Kataline, Kathleen LeCrone with Rick and Jennifer Akin
5:30PM Guest: Amy Cook and Marty Neilson
6PM Guest: Amy Menefee
6:30PM Guests: Marvin Hutchens
7PM Guest: Brian Campbell
7:30PM Guest: Allan Harris and Jason Gray
"The right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances," is constitutionally protected by the First Amendment. Thank goodness. The Tea Party rallies of this spring and the townhall backlash this summer on health care exemplify that sacred right in action, liberal slurs and conspiracy theories notwithstanding. The petition is not negated by strong words, nor the assembly by raised voices. Self-government in a free society is inherently raucous and messy. The stakes are too high for it to be otherwise. ** "Patient power" advocate Amy Menefee and Colorado Tea Party organizer Brian Campbell, now running for Congress, join me on Backbone Radio this Sunday.
** Plus Marvin Hutchens on national security issues and Amy Cook & Marty Neilson with a minority report from inside the state task force targeting TABOR.
** Plus homegrown Colorado novelists Allen Harris & Jason Gray on their fevered imagination about coffee shops, cancer cures, and college basketball.
And finally, while I seldom agree with Pelosi and Boxer, I've taken to heart their warning about this sudden rash of un-American, well-dressed protesters. From now on our show will entertain ill-dressed protest only.
Your voice of the rummage-sale right, JOHN ANDREWS
First Hour Bob Beauprez Guest Host with Joshua Sharf and Matt Dunn Second HourBob Beauprez Guest Host with Joshua Sharf and Matt Dunn
Third HourBob Beauprez Guest Host with Joshua Sharf and Matt Dunn