To understand our times and the hollowed-out center of world order where proud Europe used to be, look into Gregor Dallas’s masterful books on how three cataclysmic wars ended in 1815, 1918, and 1945, advises Bill Moloney
Free speech is all but gone in Europe and the United Kingdom, outlawed by Islam and its apologists, and their next target is the United States. That was the warning from Elisabeth Wolff and Katie Hopkins at a recent event in Colorado, reports contributor Gary Greeno.
Three years after British voters opted to exit the European Union, Tory populist Boris Johnson steps in as Prime Minister and pledges to get it done in three months. Contributor Bill Moloney assesses his chances.
Can national sovereignty survive in the rapidly globalizing 21st century? Contributor Bill Moloney sees a roadmap in the work of two little-known scholars, Dani Rodrik and Christophe Guilluy.
Across the West, once-powerful socialist parties are hemorrhaging voters as the working class looks elsewhere for shelter from the harsh winds of globalization, a trend Bernie Sanders can’t wish away, says contributor Bill Moloney