Weaponizing Americans’ pandemic fears has helped the left centralize power in Washington and prioritize world government ahead of US sovereignty, writes columnist Bill Moloney. But have they now overplayed their hand?
Storm gathers as US ineptly confronts Russia-China axis
America's world leadership is slipping
Cultural self-loathing undid Europe. Is America next?
Europe, former hegemon of the globe, emerged from two world wars in three decades not only materially exhausted but also spiritually shattered, observes columnist Bill Moloney. Since 1945 it has continued flagellating itself for alleged sins against the dispossessed of the earth, an undeserved penance benefiting no one. Now, Moloney warns, America seems headed over the same cliff.
America in decline? Europe and China think so
US preeminence on the world stage has rested on four pillars, observes columnist Bill Moloney, citing historian Niall Ferguson. Our deepening disregard of those—representative government, free markets, rule of law, and civil society—signals national decline, a trend not lost on America’s allies in Europe and its adversaries in China.