
Help these great GOP candidates

Here's the contact information for nine key legislative races as featured on Backbone Radio 10/12, along with a number of others we'll profile in upcoming shows. Weak Democrat performance since 2006 by Ritter and his legislative allies opens the door for GOP gains in 2008 to narrow the gap -- 40-25 in the House, 20-15 in the Senate -- and position Republicans to regain the majority in 2008.

Your financial contributions, volunteer time, and word of mouth encouragement can make the difference in victory for these excellent candidates on 11/4.


R Seats Being Defended (District Number, Current Incumbent)

(23- Mitchell) Shawn Mitchell http://www.mitchellforcolorado.com/ (8- Open) Al White http://www.alwhite4co.com/ (26- Open) Lauri Clapp http://lauriclapp.net/


D Seats Being Challenged (District Number, Current Incumbent)

(19- Windels) Libby Szabo http://libbyszabo.com/ (25- Takis) John Hadfield http://www.robertjohnhadfield.com/ (14- Bacon) Matt Fries http://mattfries.com/ (17 -Shaffer) Katie Witt www.katiewitt.com



R Seats Being Defended (District Number, Current Incumbent)

(17- Open) Catherine “Kit” Roupe http://www.catherineroupe.com/ (22- Summers) Ken Summers http://www.kensummers.org/ (37- Swalm) Spencer Swalm http://www.spencerswalm.com/ (39- Balmer) David Balmer http://www.davidbalmer.com/


D Seats Being Challenged (District Number, Current Incumbent)

(27- Gagliardi) John Bodnar http://johnbodnar.net/ (30- Open) Kevin Priola http://www.kevinpriola.com/ (31- Solano) Holly Hansen http://www.hollyhansen.org/ (38- Rice) Dave Kerber http://www.kerberforcolorado.com/ (40- Open) Cindy Acree http://www.cindyacree.com/ (52- Kefalas) Bob McClusky http://www.bobmccluskey.com/ (62- Open) Randy Jackson http://standtallcolorado.com/ (64- McKinley) Ken Torres http://kentorres.com/



While experts consider these races more of a long shot for Republicans, we in Backbone are impressed with the spirit, dedication, and qualifications of such candidates as...

(HD-55 Buescher) Laura Bradford http://bradfordforhouse.com

(HD-34 Soper) Tom Bopp homespeck12@aol.com

(HD-1 Labuda) Tom Thomason http://www.electtom.com/

(HD-10 Open, was Madden) Dorothy Marshall dorothy@davidamarshall.com

Under the Dome: Legislative Races

My legislative campaign preview for Republicans with four months to go, aired July 10 at 7pm on 710 KNUS. Key races in the Colorado Senate and House as highlighted in the taped special are listed below with candidate contact information. My guests on the special were Sen. Andy McElhany and Rep. David Balmer, who are quarterbacking the effort to retake GOP control or at least narrow the Democrats’ advantage (20-15 in the Senate, 40-25 in the House).

To hear the complete program, click these links...Sen. McElhany and... Rep. Balmer. They encouraged listeners to help as volunteers and donors in the following seats.



R Seats Being Defended (District Number, Current Incumbent)

(23- Mitchell) Shawn Mitchell http://www.mitchellforcolorado.com/ (8- Open) Al White http://www.alwhite4co.com/ (26- Open) Lauri Clapp http://lauriclapp.net/ in Aug. 12 primary vs. Jerry Call http://jerrycall.com/


D Seats Being Challenged (District Number, Current Incumbent)

(19- Windels) Libby Szabo http://libbyszabo.com/ (25- Takis) John Hadfield http://www.robertjohnhadfield.com/ (14- Bacon) Matt Fries http://mattfries.com/ (17 -Shaffer) Katie Witt www.katiewitt.com ===================================================


R Seats Being Defended (District Number, Current Incumbent)

(17- Open) Catherine “Kit” Roupe http://www.catherineroupe.com/ (22- Summers) Ken Summers http://www.kensummers.org/ (37- Swalm) Spencer Swalm http://www.spencerswalm.com/ (39- Balmer) David Balmer http://www.davidbalmer.com/


D Seats Being Challenged (District Number, Current Incumbent)

(27- Gagliardi) John Bodnar http://johnbodnar.net/ (30- Open) Kevin Priola http://www.kevinpriola.com/ (31- Solano) Holly Hansen http://www.hollyhansen.org/ (38- Rice) Dave Kerber http://www.kerberforcolorado.com/ (40- Open) Cindy Acree http://www.cindyacree.com/ (52- Kefalas) Bob McClusky http://www.bobmccluskey.com/ (62- Open) Randy Jackson http://standtallcolorado.com/ (64- McKinley) Ken Torres http://kentorres.com/



Although these GOP candidates didn't get mentioned in the radio special or podcast, Backbone America likes their spirit. Check'em out.

(HD-55 Buescher) Laura Bradford http://bradfordforhouse.com

(HD-34 Soper) Tom Bopp homespeck12@aol.com

(HD-30 Open, was Hodge) Kevin Priola www.kevinpriola.com

(HD-1 Labuda) Tom Thomason http://www.electtom.com/

(HD-10 Open, was Madden) Dorothy Marshall dorothy@davidamarshall.com

Term Limits: Some Failure

Out of the 15 states that limit legislative terms, 10 rank near the top in economic competitive- ness among the 50 states. Colorado, one of the first to enact term limits back in 1990, ranks 7th. If that's what Denver Post columnist Dan Haley calls policy failure, let's have more of it. Haley's piece on May 4, "Term limits have failed," doesn't prove its case. He says the eight & out rule for Colorado's state senators and representatives "hasn't made our government by the people more efficient and effective," but gives no examples to support that.

I'd argue, to the contrary, that firm restraints on government growth and activism, imposed by the people in the late '80s and early '90s -- the 120-day legislative session, term limits, and tax limits under TABOR -- have done much to help the state as a whole grow and prosper ever since.

Economists Arthur Laffer and Stephen Moore, writing in the "Rich States, Poor States" survey at ALEC.org, rate the bullish or bearish outlook of each state according to its fiscal, regulatory, and labor policies. States in the top half of the class where term limits don't seem to spell failure include...

Arizona #2, South Dakota #3, Colorado #7, Nevada #11, Oklahoma #13, Florida #14, Arkansas #15, Michigan #16, Missouri #17, and Louisiana #21.

I'm not suggesting term limits are either a necessary or a sufficient condition for achieving a strong economic outlook. Obviously the rest of the top-rated states got there without term limits. And term-limited states in the bottom half of the class include Montana #33, Nebraska #34, California #41, Maine #44, and Ohio #47.

I'm just saying Dan is going to have to show me some evidence that term-limited states are necessarily worse governed, because on the evidence so far it appears they may be somewhat better governed.

Maybe it's matter of what we think government should do. Many of us believe it should stay off our backs and out of our pockets. By that measure, the Haley concern that too little is being done to "bridge partisan tensions" and that "statehouses with term limits are growing... less powerful" is no concern at all.

His source for the latter quote, the National Conference of State Legislatures, being a trade association for legislative careerists, naturally dislikes term limits. To which again, some us merely say: too bad for them.

Give NCSL credit, though; their research is generally professional, thorough, and accurate. Here's their overview on the factual status (not the subjective evaluation) of term limits today.

The 15 states that do have them, a number that my friend Dan suggests is paltry and embarrassing, should in my opinion be considered the fortunate few.

Call to Action: Legislature ends soon

Here are the followup tools for John Andrews' pre-adjournment legislative special on 710 KNUS. Make your voice heard today! Thanks for your willingness to get involved as the Colorado General Assembly concludes its 2008 session. Your pocketbook, your freedoms, and your values are all on the line -- with some awful bills moving through the process and only a few days to go.

Your voice can make a difference. If you want taxes and fees kept low, or union power curbed, or kids put first in our schools, or family values and constitutional rights protected, speak up and say so! See below for relevant links, along with our convenient directory of legislators with email addresses and phone numbers.

For information on bills awaiting action, click here. For a listing of committee members who will hear a specific bill you're interested in, click here. To search bills by subject matter, click here.

To get the name of your own state senator and representative, use this link, then click on the map to reach your county clerk and there find your polling place, where elected officials are listed. To call legislators through their switchboard, ask for any House member at 303-866-2904, for Senate Democrats at 303-866-4865, and for Senate Republicans at 303-866-4866. Reach Gov. Bill Ritter at 303-866-2471. Or to email him, click Governor.Ritter@state.co.us.

Directory Key: Leaders are listed first, then alphabetical by last names. H for House members, S for Senators, followed by their district number. Then counties represented, then R or D for party affiliation, then office phone number. Finally, email address, which you can click to send an email to that member.

Senate President Peter Groff S33 D 303-866-4864 Adams, Denver peter.groff.senate@state.co

House Speaker Andrew Romanoff H6 D 303-866-2346 Arapahoe, Denver romanoff@coloradohouse.org

Senate Minority Leader Andy McElhany S12 El Paso R 303-866-2318 andymcelhany@pcisys.net

House Minority Leader Mike May H44 Douglas R 303-866-5523 mike.may.house@state.co.us

Balmer, David G H39 Arapahoe R 303-866-2950 david.balmer.house@state.co.us

Benefield, Debbie H29 Jefferson D 303-866-2950 debbie.benefield.house@state.co.us

Borodkin, Alice H9 D 303-866-2910 Denver, Arapahoe aliceb321@aol.com

Buescher, Bernie H55 Mesa D 303-866-2583 bernie@buescher.org

Butcher, Dorothy H46 Pueblo D 303-866-2968 no email

Bacon, Bob S14 Larimer D 303-866-4841 bob.bacon.senate@state.co.us

Boyd, Betty S21 Jefferson D 303-866-4857 betty.boyd.senate@state.co.us

Brophy, Greg S1 R 303-866-6360 Cheyenne, Elbert, Kiowa, Kit Carson, Lincoln, Logan Morgan, Phillips, Prowers, Sedgwick, Washington, Yuma greg@gregbrophy.net

Cadman, Bill H15 El Paso R 303-866-5525 bill.cadman.house@state.co.us

Carroll, Morgan H36 Arapahoe D 303-866-2942 morgancarroll@webaccess.net

Carroll, Terrance H7 Denver D 303-866-2909 terrance.carroll.house@state.co.us

Casso, Edward H32 Adams D 303-866-2964 no email

Cerbo, Mike H2 Denver D 303-866-2911 mpcerbo@yahoo.com

Curry, Kathleen H61 D 303-866-2945 Eagle, Garfield, Gunnison,Hinsdale, Pitkin kathleencurry@montrose.net

Fischer, Randy H53 Larimer D Cap: 303-866-2917 randy.fischer.house@state.co.us

Frangas, K.Jerry H4 Denver D Cap: 303-866-2954 kjerry.frangas.house@state.co.us

Gagliardi, Sara H27 Jefferson D 303-866-2962 sara.gagliardi.house@state.co.us

Gallegos, Rafael L H62 D 303-866-2916 Alamosa, Conejos, Costilla, Huerfano, Mineral, Pueblo, Rio Grande, Saguache rafael.gallegos.house@state.co.us

Gardner, Bob H21 R 303-866-2191 Fremont, El Paso bob.gardner.house@state.co.us

Gardner, Cory H63 R 303-866-2906 Adams, Cheyenne, Crowley, Kiowa, Kit Carson, Lincoln, Morgan, Washington, Yuma cory.gardner.house@state.co.us

Gibbs, Dan S16 D 303-866-3342 Boulder, Clear Creek, Gilpin, Grand, Jefferson, Summit dan.gibbs.senate@state.co.us

Green, Gwyn H23 Jefferson D 303-866-2951 gwyngreen@yahoo.com

Gordon, Ken S35 D 303-866-3341 Arapahoe, Denver ken@kengordon.com

Hicks, Stella Garza H17 El Paso R 303-866-3069 stella.hicks.house@state.co.us

Hodge, Mary H30 Adams D 303-866-2912 maryhodge@aol.com

Hagedorn, Bob S29 Arapahoe D 303-866-4879 SenBob@msn.com

Harvey, Ted S30 Douglas R 303-866-4881 ted.harvey.senate@state.co.us

Isgar, Jim S6 D 303-866-4884 Archuleta,Dolores, La Plata, Montezuma, Montrose, Ouray, San Juan, San Miguel isgarsenate@frontier.net

Jahn, Cheri H24 Jefferson D 303-866-5522 ceri.jahn.house@state.co.us

Judd, Joel H5 Denver D 303-866-2925 joeljudd@aol.com

Johnson, Steve S15 Larimer R 303-866-4853 steve.johnson.senate@state.co.us

Kefalas, John H52 Larimer D 303-866-4569 john.kefalas.house@state.co.us

Kerr, Andrew H26 Jefferson D 303-866-2923 akerrhd26@earthlink.net

Kerr, James E H28 Jefferson R 303-866-2939 james.kerr.house@state.co.us

King, Steve H54 R 303-866-3068 Delta, Mesa steve.king.house@state.co.us

Keller, Maryanne "Moe" S20 Jefferson D 303-866-4856 moe.keller.senate@state.co.us

Kester, Ken S2 R 303-866-4877 Baca, Bent, Crowley, Custer, Fremont, Huerfano, Las Animas, Otero, Pueblo ken.kester.senate@state.co.us

Kopp, Mike S22 Jefferson R 303-866-4859 mike.kopp.senate@state.co.us

Labuda, Jeanne H1 D 303-866-2966 Arapahoe, Denver, Jefferson No email

Lambert, Kent H14 El Paso R 303-866-2937 kent.lambert.house@state.co.us

Levy, Claire H13 D 303-866-2578 Boulder, Clear Creek, Gilpin claire.levy.house@state.co.us

Liston, Larry G H16 El Paso R 303-866-2965 larry.liston.house@state.co.us

Looper, Marsha H19 El Paso R 303-866-2946 marsha.looper.house@state.co.us

Lundberg, Kevin H49 R 303-866-2907 Larimer, Weld kevin@kevinlundberg.com

Madden, Alice H10 Boulder D 303-866-2348 alice.madden.house@state.co.us

Marostica, Don H51 Larimer R 303-866-2947 No email

Marshall, Rosemary H8 Denver D 303-866-2959 rosemary.marshall.house@state.co.us

Massey, Tom H60 R 303-866-2747 Chaffee, Custer, Fremont, Park, Pueblo, Saguache tom.massey.house@state.co.us

McFadyen, Liane "Buffie" H47 D 303-866-2905 Fremont, Pueblo buffie2006@hotmail.com

McGihon, Anne L. H3 D 303-866-2921 Arapahoe, Denver anne.mcgihon.house@state.co.us

McKinley, Wes H64 D 303-866-2398 Baca, Bent, Huerfano, Las Animas, Otero, Prowers wes.mckinley.house@state.co.us

McNulty, Frank H43 Douglas R 303-866-2936 No email

Merrifield, Michael H18 El Paso D 303-866-2932 michael.merrifield.house@state.co.us

Middleton, Karen H42 Arapahoe D 303-866-3911 middleton.house@state.co.us

Mitchell, Victor H45 R 303-866-2948 Douglas, Teller victor.mitchell.house@state.co.us

May, Ron S10 El Paso R 303-866-2737 senatormay@ronmay.org

Mitchell, Shawn S23 R 303-866-4876 Adams, Broomfield, Weld shawn.mitchell.senate@state.co.us

Mitchell, Victor H45 Douglas, Teller R 303-866-2948 victor.mitchell.house@state.co.us

Morse, John P. S11 El Paso D 303-866-6364 john.morse.senate@state.co.us

Peniston, Cherylin H35 Adams D 303-866-2843 cherylin.peniston.house@state.co.us

Pommer, Jack H11 Boulder D 303-866-2780 jack.pommer.house@state.co.us

Primavera, Dianne H33 D 303-866-4667 Adams, Boulder, Broomfield, Weld dianne.primavera.house@state.co.us

Penry, Joshua "Josh" S7 R 303-866-3077 Garfield, Mesa joshpenry@gmail.com

Rice, Joe H38 D 303-866-2953 Arapahoe, Jefferson joe.rice.house@state.co.us

Riesberg, Jim H50 Weld D 303-866-2929 jim.riesberg.house@state.co.us

Roberts, Ellen H59 R 303-866-2914 Archuleta, La Plata, Montezuma, San Juan ellen.roberts.house@state.co.us

Rose, Ray H58 R 303-866-2955 Delta, Dolores, Montezuma, Montrose, Ouray, San Miguel ray.rose.house@state.co.us

Renfroe, Scott W. S13 Weld R 303-866-4451 scott.renfroe.senate@state.co.us

Romer, Chris S32 D 303-866-4852 Denver, Jefferson chris.romer.senate@state.co.us

Scanlan, Christine H56 D (303)866-2952 Eagle, Lake, Summit christine.scanlan.house@state.co.us

Solano, Judy H31 Adams D 303-866-2918 judy.solano.house@state.co.us

Sonnenberg, Jerry H65 R 303-866-3706 Logan, Phillips, Sedgwick, Weld jerry.sonnenberg.house@state.co.us

Soper, John F H34 Adams D 303-866-2931 john.soper.house@state.co.us

Stafford, Debbie H40 D 303-866-2944 Arapahoe, Elbert debbie.stafford.house@state.co.us

Stephens, Amy H20 El Paso R 303-866-2924 amy.stephens.house@state.co.us

Summers, Ken H22 Jefferson R 303-866-2927 ken.summers.house@state.co.us

Swalm, Spencer H37 Arapahoe R 303-866-5510 spencer.swalm.house@state.co.us

Sandoval, Paula E. S34 Denver D 303-866-4862 paula.sandoval.senate@state.co.us

Schultheis, David C. "Dave" S9 El Paso R 303-866-4835 dave@daveschultheis.com

Schwartz, Gail S5 D 303-866-4871 Alamosa, Chaffee, Conejos, Costilla, Delta, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Mineral, Pitkin, Rio Grande, Saguache gail.schwartz.senate@state.co.us

Shaffer, Brandon C. S17 Boulder D 303-866-5291 brandon@brandonshaffer.com

Spence, Nancy S27 Arapahoe R 303-866-4883 nancyspence@qwest.net

Todd, Nancy H41 D 303-866-2919 Arapahoe, Denver nancy.todd.house@state.co.us

Takis, Stephanie S25 Adams D 303-866-4855 stephanie.takis.senate@state.co.us

Tapia, Abel J. S3 Pueblo D 303-866-2581 abel.tapia.senate@state.co.us

Taylor, Jack S8 R 303-866-5292 Eagle, Garfield, Jackson, Moffat, Rio Blanco, Routt No email

Tochtrop, Lois S24 Adams D 303-866-4863 lotochtrop@aol.com

Tupa, Ron S18 Boulder D 303-866-4872 ron.tupa.senate@state.co.us

Vaad, Glenn H48 Weld R 303-866-2943 glenn.vaad.house@state.co.us

Veiga, Jennifer S31 D 303-866-4861 Adams, Denver jennifer.veiga.senate@state.co.us

Weissmann, Paul H12 Boulder D 303-866-2920 reppaul@aol.com

White, Al H57 R 303-866-2949 Garfield, Grand, Jackson, Moffat, Rio Blanco, Routt al.white.house@state.co.us

Witwer, Robert E H25 Jefferson R 303-866-2582 rob.witwer.house@state.co.us

Ward, Steve S26 R 303-866-4846 Arapahoe, Jefferson steve.ward.senate@state.co.us

Wiens, Tom J S4 R 303-866-4869 Douglas, El Paso, Lake, Park, Teller tom@tomwiens.com

Williams, Suzanne S28 D 303-866-3432 Arapahoe, Denver suzanne.williams.senate@state.co.us

Windels, Sue S19 Jefferson D 303-866-4840 senatorwindels@comcast.net

Those unbelievable Democrats

Editor: "Because it is unbelievable, I believe it," a mystic said. That's OK for spiritual things, but for politics and economics we'd prefer a little more common sense. Yet the mystical approach endlessly captivates Dems in the legislature and their friends in the media, observes former Sen. Mark Hillman in his latest Capitol Review column. Here's the piece with 15 examples, concluding with his invitation for you to extend the list. Any takers? You must be a Colorado Democrat if ...

(Note: A couple of months ago, I started this list after reading about the silliness that passes for seriousness at the State Capitol. Thought you might enjoy a little levity for a change.)

1. If you think taxing marriage will reduce child abuse, you must be a Colorado Democrat.

2. If you plan to pay for new programs with revenues from the oil and gas boom but hammer oil and gas companies with higher taxes and ridiculous regulations, you must be a Colorado Democrat.

3. If you believe illegal aliens should get a break on college tuition but decorated veterans should not, you must be a Colorado Democrat.

4. If you believe it's OK to require a photo ID to buy beer or cigarettes but not to vote, you must be a Colorado Democrat.

5. If you believe businessmen and women are motivated by greed but labor union bosses are not, you must be a Colorado Democrat.

6. If you think making someone pay higher taxes is a "freeze," you must be a Colorado Democrat.

7. If you believe trial lawyers want to sue for more money to help their clients, you must be a Colorado Democrat.

8. If you think there's really a difference between a tax and a fee, you must be a Colorado Democrat.

9. If you really believe in governmental efficiency or bureaucratic flexibility, you must be a Colorado Democrat.

10. If you believe an unemployed trial lawyer is a bad thing, you must be a Colorado Democrat.

11. If you think freedom of religion doesn't apply to churches, you must be a Colorado Democrat.

12. If you believe good education comes from relaxing academic standards but getting tough on soft drink sales, you must be a Colorado Democrat.

13. If you think we should raise taxes on working families to hire more college professors, you must be a Colorado Democrat.

14. If you worry more about the cost of keeping criminals behind bars than the cost of putting them back on the streets, you must be a Colorado Democrat.

15. If you think its wrong for government to legislate morality - except when it pays for that legislation with other people's money, you must be a Colorado Democrat.

Feel free to reply with suggested additions to the list.