
Dems stuck in socialist sludge

To tag so-called progressives as reactionaries seems an oxymoron, but that precisely describes the liberals' outmoded, illogical sales pitch. David Harsanyi cogently revealed one of the flaws in the libs' antiquated social welfare doctrine in his 7/22 Denver Post column, "What could Obama learn on vacation." Harsanyi compared rational economics to the Democrats' too-often-repeated socialist sludge. After trying for decades to make social welfare work, European nations are wisely abandoning that counter-productive utopian path. The libs' misbegotten social welfare has been tested and, as always, found false.

Yet in America, progressives like Obama, Pelosi, Clinton and Reid echo those same archaic, unsubstantiated false promises. Do they think we are all fools?

In the past people believed many foolish notions that the sun revolved around the earth and that one's innocence or guilt could be determined by drowning which reason and data eventually eclipsed. Conversely, the shopworn socialist notions persist, despite many failed experiments, defying logic and objectivity. Give it a rest! We are indeed ready for a change, a much-needed return to rational economic principles.

Diagnosing Obama's religious confusion

Barack Hussein Obama needs to straighten himself out. Growing up between Islamic teachings and socialist theories apparently has confused his concepts. We are not a Muslim nation, a Jewish nation, a Buddhist nation, a Hindu nation, or a nation of nonbelievers as he stated in a speech in June 2006 to the liberal Christian group, Call to Renewal. I would classify him as a nonbeliever who pretends to be a Christian, similar to the National Socialist “German Christians” who used the Christian language to promote their Nazi ideology. The theology of liberation uses the same principle namely deceiving those who are weak in practicing a Christian way of life and therefore blind towards reality by hiding the true nature of its program. Our nation is unique in human history. Based on the Christian faith of her people and leaders, and on the truth of the Holy Bible, Americans made it possible for people of all faiths to come here and practice it in freedom, something they could not do at home. Nobody forced them, neither then or today, to become Christians. It was the welcoming of strangers by warm-hearted Americans that made this nation great; not a government program. The presence of some Muslims or Buddhists and people with other religions in the United States does not change our history or tradition, nor does it transforms us into a Muslim, Buddhist, or any other mixture of nations. It is a ridiculous statement from the senator from Illinois. Not being a Christian, Obama talks nonsense -- "a fruitcake interpretation of the Constitution," as said correctly by Dr. James Dobson.

I must also correct him when he speaks of the “Christian Right,” a concept which logically assumes the existence of a “Christian Left”. There is no right or left in the Christian teachings. There is sin and the cleansing of sin. The Sermon on the Mount is directed at every last person in the world, including Obama. He doesn’t live up to the message. You either are a Christian or you are not; it depends on what you believe in and how you live accordingly. Obama’s “faith” has little to do with the teachings of Jesus and St. Paul. Going to church doesn’t make a person a Christian, especially if the pastor is a Communist and vibrates with hatred just like Obama’s pastor of twenty years does, Jeremiah Wright, who has also a record of being a Muslim.

Christians have not “hijacked faith to drive us apart” as Obama states. It is his immorality and the immorality of his Socialist fellow travelers’ political programs that, if applied, will destroy the rest of the moral infrastructure of this nation which is the principal factor in dividing the American people. Did he overlook the fact that Jesus was crucified because the government and religious establishment of the Jewish Nation did not like his moral teachings, and because the Roman governor was an appeaser whose own comfort came first? Jesus did not try to unite different views; He challenged the morality of the godless and their naïve followers.

Presidential candidate Obama wants to unite. Unity with people, institutions and nations which promote murder of other human beings is not possible. You can’t unite with what is wrong. The unity Obama’s speaks about is Marxist double-talk – unity for them means the prevailing of their own views. Obama uses the tactics typical for the theology of liberation. This “theology” decades ago has developed into a subversive Communist political action program. I have described the process in my recent article “Obama and the Theology of Liberation” (www.voncampe.com) It means in short in this case using the Christian language to fool the church goers and push them into his direction – a Socialist environment ending with a totalitarian United Nations world government financed by the United States and some dumb other Western governments.

He divides the Christians in two groups, the faithful whom he classifies as “radical right wing” and the superficial “peace, comfort, and security seeking” rest which he tries to get into his unity program which includes voting for him.

You can’t be a Christian when your personal and political moral platform includes mass murder. Obama thinks it is the right of a woman to have a defenseless human being inside her body cruelly killed for her own convenience. The Nazis had similar convictions and killed six million Jews and some ten millions of Germans and people of other nations. Islamic jihadists kill innocent men, women and children and delude themselves that it will get them into paradise sex. Obama voted against a bill to protect babies that survive abortion attempts and also believes that the Sermon on the Mount justifies his support for legal recognition of same-sex unions. Whoever votes him and his many brothers in arms into power makes him- or herself an accomplice in murder. Such a person is offending God and hostile to our Constitution. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th circuit defined a person protected by the Constitution in a 7:4 ruling as an "individual living member of the Homo sapiens, including the unborn human being during the entire embryonic and fetal ages from fertilization to full gestation." It is not for nothing that Marxists, socialists and communists have formed a block to "support their favored presidential candidate," Obama, and calling for a revolution against "the U.S oppressive regime." WND broke the news about these stories. Wake up America!

The United States of America was overwhelmingly founded by European Christians. They founded a nation in which God was placed into the center of society. The constitutions and charters of the original 13 states began (and still do) with a reference of God. This reliance on Him was ultimately expressed by all subsequent states joining the Union including the one I currently live in. The Preamble of the state Constitution of Alabama states: “We the people of the state of Alabama invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God, to ordain and establish the following Constitution.” There was no Allah (not identical with God) or Shiva, no Buddha, no unbeliever. Our Constitution is based on Christian truth as was the Declaration of Independence with the opening statement “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among them are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” This is the firm foundation on which this nation was built.on. Presidential candidate Obama wipes this truth off the table. It represents a denial of God. Furthermore it is not only an insult to our founding fathers but neglects the spirit and the letter of our Constitution, which he is supposed to uphold.

There is no other country in the world, with the exception perhaps of prosperous Switzerland, where the people were free to select their own way of life and to install a legal and social infrastructure which had room for people from every corner of the earth. Obama does not even respect the Christian teachings which made this nation. With it we became the richest nation on earth and look where we are heading for now – to be slaves of our creditors and energy providers who mostly are our enemies. Our soldiers fight and die for the people of two Islamic countries. In spite of it, Christians and Jews are being persecuted in many Islamic states which are guided by their religious and political intolerance.

In addition, America has a mission to make freedom available to all nations. No other nation has such a mission. But freedom without truth cannot last. Absolute truth must be at the heart of a free nation if freedom should prevail. And here today America falls short of the required. We have become a nation where indifference, greed, sex, comfort-seeking, lying and attacks on our Constitution become normal and where power-seeking liars who are out for themselves lead us in the wrong direction. This we cannot wipe off the table either, it has to be addressed and changed. Real change is the result of people changing and becoming different and not because of more money from the vote-seeking government establishment I haven’t heard Obama or McCain speaking about it.

Barack Hussein Obama’s real problems are not of a racial nature. They are only meant to cover up the ideological position. He would lead America into the wrong direction. He is not bringing any real change to our society but more immorality and prescribing un-American Marxist remedies by taking money from some people and giving it to others. This kind of help really is no help because it makes the people who receive it dependent on those who give it to them. It is more of a bribe. The unity Marxists want means “Do as I say.”

The global ideological war is about the role of God in human society. The battle field is morality, the battle line is the choice between truth and lies. There is no neutrality, it is either or. This choice is accessible to everybody everywhere, and for every nation. Liars are the enemies of freedom and of their nation. The call for Americans, citizens and legal residents, is to stop lying, stand up, fight for God’s absolute truth and create a sane nation under God. It must be the second American Revolution.

Energy: Salazar enabling Chavez?

Writing in today's Washington Post, Sen. Ken Salazar (D-CO) cynically disparages the idea of opening up Colorado’s vast oil shale reserves as a way to lower the price of gasoline for American drivers (“Heedless Rush to Oil Shale,” July 15, 2008). However, even Sen. Salazar admits that new oil-shale technology currently being developed is “far more promising” than earlier efforts and that energy companies are having success in devising “a way to heat the rock that holds the oil and force the oil up and out of the ground.” Yet he supports a federal moratorium on oil shale development in Colorado, offering one excuse after another about the viability of the technology.

Of course, Sen. Salazar has also repeatedly voted against opening up the far reaches of the deserted northern Alaskan wilderness to energy exploration, and he refuses to support efforts to lift the Congressional ban on drilling for oil and gas on the Outer Continental Shelf of the United States. Do those ideas also represent “putting the cart before the horse” on untested technologies? Of course not. The only conclusion we can draw from his record is that he opposes increasing the supply of domestic oil – wherever or however it is proposed.

The fact is Colorado is sitting on one of the world’s largest deposits of oil. The Green River Basin in Colorado, Wyoming and Utah has an estimated 1.7 trillion to 2. 1 trillion barrels of oil. This accounts for 62% of worldwide oil shale reserves, which amounts to over 800 million more barrels of oil than the world’s proven oil reserves.

Our current energy challenges are mainly a product of the simple law of supply demand – increasing demand, and not enough supply. Cynical excuses for why every proposed way to increase supply isn’t going to lower the price of energy one cent. We’ve been suffering under that kind of cynicism for decades and the result has been that we are more dependent on foreign oil than ever. Those who, like Senator Salazar, continue this pessimistic approach to our oil crisis continue to hamstring our economy and assure that our reliance on oil from the Middle East and Hugo Chavez will remain for decades to come.

Truth hurts in 'Standard' cover story

If it wasn't for the honor of it, I'd rather have walked. Lincoln's account of the man's reaction to being ridden out of town on a rail is exactly my reaction to seeing the woes of our state's GOP proclaimed on the front of a national magazine. Fred Barnes of the Weekly Standard and Fox News, one of the best political reporters out there, takes a hard look at Colorado Democrats' recent successes and their national implications in this week's Standard cover story, "The Colorado Model." What he sees won't cheer up my fellow Republicans, but it's a picture we need to face unblinkingly.

I talked to Barnes for an hour on July 1 during his time on the ground here, and the story quotes me a couple of times. This one appears at the end...

    "Colorado is being used as a test bed for a swarm offense by Democrats and liberals to put conservatives and Republicans on defense as much as possible," says Andrews. The initial results of that test are favorable.

And this one a bit earlier...

    "The bitterness of Coors-Schaffer in '04 still exists," says John Andrews. "The bitterness of Referendum C persists. And the bitterness of Marc Holtzman versus Bob Beauprez in 2006 persists." Moreover, Andrews says, "I'm not sure our party has learned the lessons it needed to learn. Republicans and conservatives missed our moment to be the next wave of the Reagan revolution at the state level. We didn't seize the center, and we didn't seize the imagination of Colorado voters."

Such reality is tough medicine for my side to swallow -- but if we're to regain our competitiveness against the opposition juggernaut this year and into 2010, we need to choke it down the sooner the better.

Energy: Goldmine for GOP

As the shock waves from $4 per gallon gasoline impact every segment of U.S. society the decades-old taboo against even discussing new offshore oil drilling has been decisively shattered. This wholly unexpected development now offers an extraordinary political opportunity to John McCain and the Republican Party, but only if they have the courage to boldly seize it. The 1981 federal ban on new offshore drilling was a remarkable victory for the radical environmentalists who have long been a dominant element in the Democratic Party. However this Petroleum Prohibition era has only been sustained because the Republican party meekly went along with it even during the years they controlled both the Congress and the White House.

Now mounting public anger and frustration and the resultant rapid shift in opinion polls have suddenly transformed the political dynamics of energy policy.

In the space of one week both President Bush and Senator McCain announced support for offshore drilling- sort of. Previously Bush had ignored this option and McCain had flat out opposed it. While they now favor a reversal of the 1981 ban, they’ve tried to straddle the issue by saying that ultimately individual states should decide on drilling.

This tepid Republican support for new drilling is welcomed by Democrats who genuinely fear the political consequences of the Republicans making this issue a high priority and sticking with it right through to November.

As opposition to drilling is a hot button liberal issue Obama had to oppose lifting the federal ban. Disingenuously he claimed that new drilling wouldn’t lower gas prices and insisted that a “windfall profits” tax was the best option. He’s betting that a continued demonization of “Big Oil” will prevent the people from seeing that failed government leadership is the real villain of the piece.

The companion strategy to new drilling is a dramatic build-up of U.S. nuclear capacity beginning with a demolition of the absurd approval process for new nuclear plants. Democrats are badly split on this issue. Those who obsess on global warming and the carbon emissions, they see as the cause are newly responsive to nuclear as a “clean” alternative. Obama’s history is pure anti-nuclear but in an effort to bridge this Democratic divide he has lamely promised that as President he would commission a “study” of the subject.

Greatly damaging to Democrats has been the torrent of discussion and new information on energy issues. The public is learning things that had been de facto “unmentionable”: the vast size of untapped U.S. oil reserves both land and sea, the superb safety record of new drilling technology, the stunning success of France with nuclear power, and the pathetic track record of so-called “alternative” sources of energy.

Democratic Congressional efforts to push a “windfall profits” tax or demonize “speculators” have collapsed even at their own hearings where the GAO and the Congressional Budget Office poked large holes in both ideas. At last Congress seems to be catching up to the public in understanding that the real problem is one of supply falling way behind demand.

Democratic disunity and growing public awareness and frustration on energy give Republicans a golden opportunity to seize control of the debate on domestic policy. Energy is clearly the hinge on which the future of the U.S. economy is now swinging. It also couples naturally to national security which is McCain’s great strength.

The only thing that seems to be preventing McCain from embracing and fully exploiting this emerging new political dynamic is a stubborn adherence to long held views (e.g. ANWR) and fear of being called a flip-flopper.

Douglas Mac Arthur famously said that the very best campaign plan is outdated following the first day of battle. Great leaders improvise and adapt as conditions on the ground change.

McCain and every other Republican candidate should ride this issue not briefly or half-heartedly but aggressively and continuously. The power of this issue can super-charge McCain’s chances of victory and dramatically improve Republican chances at every level.

Even more importantly this single issue represents a once in a generation opportunity to utterly transform the future prospects of America’s economy and its national security.

In throwing off the self-imposed shackles of the past and liberating the immense latent power of the U.S. economy we shall again validate the prophecy of Ronald Reagan that “It will always be Morning in America”.