Radio related

Meteorologist debunks climate hysteria

Editor: Rob "Sunny" Roseman, trained in meteorology and long familiar in Denver as a TV weatherman, was my radio guest on April 26. Here are his talking points as used in our discussion, designed to cool off the overheated emotion surrounding alleged global warming and the rush toward an economically harmful carbon tax. CLIMATE HYSTERIA & MEDIA BIAS... OR CLIMATE BIAS & MEDIA HYSTERIA (WHATEVER)

Gore, McCain, and other alarmists use scare language such as... "Inaction Poses a Threat.” “Action is a Moral Imperative.” "Situation is unprecedented.” Rational discussion has given way to the Politics of Global Warming, and ultimately to the Church of Global Warming.



They define a virtual world. Use parameters.

Difficulty dealing with oceans & clouds.

Deal with only limited amount of variables.

Some are faulty and downright wrong.

We are supposed to “take them on faith.”

Current models go haywire after 1 week.

We are supposed to believe in 100 years?

Last 10 years are cooling. Not predicted.

None of models predicted….so they are wrong.


We are in an Interglacial period now. Between glacials.

Has always varied. Warmer and Colder.

Medieval warming period 1100 to 1500 (1.13C) warmer.

CO2 levels -100ppm less than today.

1910-1940 and 1970-1998 same amount of warming.

Last 10 years actually have been cooling.

120k, 220k and 320k warmer than today. (.75C)

Today not even close to anything the warmest in

Last 2 million years. Had higher levels of CO2.


Drought, Severe, etc. always been there, will be.

Even 50% less C02 will still be there.

1955-2000 increase in C02 no decrease in Soil Moisture.

Can’t make any warmer with same moisture.

Hurricanes….no increase in Frequency/Intensity since 1700s.


Been happening over past 10-15K years.

Antarctica…no change last 40 years.

Greenland warmer past 10K years.

Melting occurs 3.5CM per 100 years anyway.

Bottom Line: Good headlines/Good movies.


Been rising for last 15,000 years anyway since last

Major ice age.

Usual rate is 2mm per year.

Rate of rise has slowed last 100 years.


They all say this is really bad….sounds bad.

Increase over past 150 years has actually stabilized.




To support something unusual current warm period.

To support droughts, floods & storms more severe.

To support Ice Sheets disintegrating any faster.

To support sea levels rise any faster than before.


Do we believe the skeptics or the alarmists?

Do we adapt to our climate (like all species that survived) or do we try to change the climate?

France in 1990s 35,000 dead heat wave.

(Air Conditioners)

Do we adopt Cap & Trade?


We need to adapt to our climate. Get smart.

Need Al Gore to shut his mouth. Earth will cool 5 deg.

No cap & trade. Nothing other than a massive tax incr.

No more stupid studies from Britian …..obese people

add to global warming.

Have moonshot to create a hydrogen economy.

Manhattan project.

Have to use oil and gas in the meantime.

O/G used for most anything and everything.

Drill, Drill, Drill.

Explain Hydrogen, how it can be used.

New Industries. New Technologies.

Re-Tool America. We own it.

We can sell to rest of world.

We don’t have to buy from rest of world.

Clean technology.

Can actually shut up Enviros finally.

Do women legislators rule?

Listen to my radio special exploring the question. Our state legislature has the nation's highest percentage of women. Thirty-nine of 100 members in this year’s General Assembly are women. So are we better governed because of the female factor? Does one party speak more for women than the other? Is the political playing field really level for skirts and shirts? Listeners got firsthand perspectives from the Capitol when they tuned in on Thursday, April 2, at 7:00 pm for "Under the Dome," my issue special on 710 KNUS in Denver, also streaming live at

You can hear the podcast by clicking here

"Under the Dome: Women Speak Out" is my conversation with State Reps. Claire Levy (D-Boulder) and Amy Stephens (R-Colorado Springs), State Sen. Nancy Spence (R-Centennial), and Jessica Corry of the Independence Institute. Krista Kafer is along as co-host to help me avoid male brainlock.

To contact my guests via email, click the names.

Rep. Claire Levy

Sen. Nancy Spence

Rep. Amy Stephens

Jessica Corry

Six rules for financial backbone

Editor: This quick primer for recession survival was offered on our 3/29 radio show by David Bradshaw of Swiss America, the gold firm. 1. Don’t borrow: The U.S. is suffering from a chronic debt addiction of monumental proportion. We've now amassed $1 trillion in bad mortgage debt, $1 trillion in weak consumer credit card debt and nearly $10 trillion in government debt. Debt enslaves us to an economic system in a chronic state of collapse. Learn to live within your means.

2. Own hard money: If you have money, put a portion of it into tangible assets before the dollar’s value is further destroyed by inflation. Precious metal and U.S. rare coin prices recently corrected and today represent an excellent value buy for both safety and long-term growth.

3. Think for yourself: Search for reliable information about the economic and political situation. Read books and turn off the TV and video games. Discuss ideas and issues with your kids, family and friends.

4. Develop new skills: Learn to be more self-reliant. Do your own household repairs. Grow and cook your own food. Shop at thrift stores. Start your own part-time business. 5. Become politically active: Register, vote and demand honest elections. Support politicians with integrity, who favor smaller government, lower taxes and the Constitution. Reread the Constitution as a reminder of your rich American heritage. Demand changes in accordance with your core values.

6. Fear not, God is in control: We tend to be overwhelmed by external forces such as government, corporations, banks, credit ratings, the economy, media, armies and technology. In reality, God is the only source of power in the universe. The more we realize God's presence, the less we fear externals. By God’s grace we can reverse the trend from being a bailout nation to being a blessed nation again.

Bradshaw's website has the original piece here.

He also provided this link to Swiss America's free DVD offer with short trailer.

Remember, every show is podcast

Backbone Radio got this kind note from a leading Republican in Arapahoe County: "You have the most effective, informative and timely current events show on the airways. Though I miss your show on the air because of the time frame on Sunday, I am thankful for your online information...and I thank you for your diligence and accuracy." That's from Linda Gawlik, City Clerk of Centennial. I replied:

Linda, thanks for your kind words. It's fun doing the show, and we do bask in people's appreciation - especially since there's no pay. Just so you know, if there is a topic or guest you particularly wanted to catch up with, every show is podcast in full from our website as of Tuesday morning after the Sunday broadcast.

Click the Backbone Radio button on red navigation bar at top of home page for all podcasts from the past couple of years. The most recent Sunday show is usually featured under the radio section, midway down lefthand column, and in the yellow radio box, top right on home page.

Hear "Pressure Groups on the Prowl"

Listen to the podcast of John Andrews' issue special on 710 KNUS, aired Feb. 26. The latest in our monthly "Under the Dome" series introduces some the free-enterprise advocates in Colorado's state capitol who are battling for economic recovery against the spending lobby and the special-interest left. Below is the audio link for John's interviews with Chuck Berry of the Colorado Association of Commerce and Industry, John Swartout of the Colorado Oil and Gas Association, veteran business lobbyist Steve Durham, and House Minority Whip Cory Gardner.

click here

For information on bills discussed in this program, including committee membership as well as email and phone contacts for all 100 legislators, go to

For updates from the Colorado Association of Commerce and Industry, go to

For updates from the Colorado Oil and Gas Association, go to

Also standing up against pressure groups on the prowl are the Independence Institute... Americans for Prosperity... and Colorado Union of Taxpayers.