Radio related

Crazy college costs: Hear the podcast

Taxpayers beware. Politicians want you to provide a revenue guarantee for higher education. The campaign has already started. But how can students, parents, and citizens be sure their college dollar is buying real value? And how does our state’s experience fit with the national picture of campuses across the country? Get early intel on this upcoming 2010 ballot issue when you hear my 9/24 issue special from 710 KNUS in Denver. Listen to the podcast at this link.

"Under the Dome: College Costs Gone Crazy" is my conversation with CU Regent Tom Lucero, Ohio University economist Richard Vedder, and conservative curriculum expert Charles Mitchell.

This is the latest edition of a citizens alert we're now doing monthly for Colorado conservatives. will have followup information and a podcast starting Friday.

Car Tax Backlash: Podcast & Links

Our Aug. 20 radio special noted that while DC politicians are talking in trillions, folks in Colorado are steamed about a $32 vehicle fee hike and a $100 late penalty. We looked at the FASTER bill for highway funding, source of this uproar. And we talked about the impact angry motorists may have on next year’s legislature and the 2010 election. "Under the Dome: Car Tax Backlash" was my latest issue special on 710 KNUS in Denver. Click here for the podcast.

It's a full record of my conversation with former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore, Colorado gubernatorial candidates Scott McInnis & Josh Penry, Arapahoe County Clerk Nancy Doty, and tax-cut petition advocate Jeff Gross. Judicial reformer Matt Arnold joined me for the interviews.

Doty's recent article on the backlash as felt in her motor vehicle section is linked here.

Info on Gross's petition, which would roll back the vehicle fees, cut the state income tax, and do away with most phone taxes, is at

Info on Arnold's campaign to dismiss four activist judges from the Colorado Supreme Court, which erased the distinction between fees and taxes in 2008 decision, is at

Judicial Reform: Hear the Podcast

Learn about practical remedies for our often-unaccountable judiciary when you listen to "Under the Dome," my issue special for July, podcast on this site and airing 7/16 at 7pm on 710 KNUS and streaming live at Click this link to hear the podcast.

Why do most Colorado judges routinely win another term from the voters, even though many people worry that our courts are out of control? What’s different about next year’s round of judicial retention elections from anything we’ve seen before? How can all of us do our part toward improving the state Supreme Court?

"Under the Dome: Judicial Reform 2010" looks at the answers. It's my conversation with attorney and constitutional scholar Bill Banta, a former member of the State Judicial Performance Commission and long active in the Colorado Bar Association, along with citizen activist Matt Arnold, campaign chairman for a group called Clear the Bench Colorado.

Listen to 'RTD Off the Rails'

RTD and its Fastracks rail system are a mess. In his June 11 radio special, John Andrews asked why. The podcast is now up. As you remember, a big tax increase was proposed, then postponed. RTD’s general recently quit and left town. So what put this thing so far over budget? If we raise taxes again, what reason is there to trust the agency for this time? And what are the affordable alternatives for metro mobility that special interests ignore?

Click here to listen to "Under the Dome: RTD Off the Rails." This is John's hour-long conversation with State Rep. Spencer Swalm, a specialist in market solutions for transportation... Kevin Holst, Denver attorney and citizen activist... and Jon Caldara, former RTD board chairman who's now president of the Independence Institute.

It's the latest in our monthly series on key issues for Coloradans.

Hear 'Budget Reality Check' podcast

As the legislative session ends, fiscal distress flags are flying on the gold dome. For the 2nd time this decade, Colorado is caught with too much spending and too few revenues as the economy struggles. Why can’t the state plan better like your family does? Why do Democrats and the media blame everything on the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights? Will this mess feed the Tea Party spirit in months to come? Get firsthand perspectives from the Capitol when you click to the podcast of "Under the Dome," my April 30 issue special on 710 KNUS in Denver. Here's the link... click here

"Under the Dome: Budget Reality Check" is my conversation with Senate Minority Leader Josh Penry (R-Grand Junction) and State Sen. Chris Romer (D-Denver), along with State Reps. Cory Gardner (R-Yuma) and Frank McNulty (R-Highlands Ranch).

This is the latest edition of a citizens alert we're now doing monthly for Colorado conservatives. Watch for news of our next edition in May -- and thanks for listening!