World War III

Jihadist theology torched Mumbai

After the Islamic terror attacks in Mumbai, we can expect another flood of drivel trying to pin the "cause" of terrorism on Marxist economic causality: the marginalized Islamic community and their economic stress, etc. This implies that terrorism can be quenched with more handouts. That this is nonsense is exemplified by the attacks on Glasgow Airport in the summer of 2007. The seven physicians who conducted the attack worked for the British National Health Service! So much for terror being caused by economics.

The real cause of terrorism is Islamic theology. The objective here was to impose Shari'a Law on all of India, making the subcontinent part of "Dar Al Islam" instead of "Dar Al Harb". To be precise, terrorism is the tactic, Jihad, Holy War, is what they are conducting. This is a religious obligation of all believers! It has NOTHING TO DO with economics.

It’s time the American people stopped deluding themselves. The attacks in Mumbai weren’t acts of “criminals and thugs” or “the forces of evil” or “terrorists”: they were acts of Islamic Jihad.

Jihad is one. Whether it’s a truck bomb in Baghdad, an ambush in Afghanistan, a bombing in Indonesia, or taxi drivers refusing to carry women and alcohol at the Minneapolis airport, every act is part of the 1000 year struggle to establish Shari’a Law world-wide, and to subjugate every man, woman and child on earth.

We need to call it for what it is, even if the Saudi lobbyists withhold a few million, or CAIR squawks bloody murder .(and they know lots about bloody murder do they not? Notice how silent they and the rest of the Islamic community have been on Mumbai.)

How can we win this struggle when it is politically incorrect even to name the real enemy? How can our society survive when we are in denial as to the real nature of the threat? How many more millions have to die?

Congress hiring Islamist interns?

CAIR, the purported civil rights group that's really a Muslim Brotherhood front, and which was an unindicted co-conspirator in the Texas terrorism trial, said the following in a confidential strategy memo last year, obtained by Brigitte Gabriel's ACT for America group:

    "By December 31, 2010, we will... have a presence covering all states, with at least 28 state chapters…..

    We will impact local Congressional districts with each chapter influencing at least two legislators…We will focus on Congressmen responsible for policy that directly impacts the American Muslim community. For example, Congressmen on the judiciary, intelligence, and homeland security committees.

    We will develop national initiatives such as lobby day and placing Muslim interns in Congressional offices....

    In concert with local chapters we will sustain an ongoing media campaign to change the hearts and minds of Americans."

Accordingly, as a Colorado citizen and constituent of Congressman-elect Mike Coffman, I wrote him this week to warn:

    Do not let the Republican leadership tempt or force you to take on an Islamic Intern proffered by CAIR or other Wahhabist Front Organizations. This could be asking a lot, because they may offer you a LARGE amount of money to do so! But they are the bad guys.

    And Mr. Coffman, please document whoever approaches you on this so we can expose this petro-dollar corruption, which is rampant on both sides of the aisle at the highest levels.

    If you have to take an Islamic intern, find one through the American Islamic Foundation for Democracy run by Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, who is featured in the new documentary film,“The Third Jihad”. At least the security and integrity of your office will not be compromised by having the enemy supposedly working for you.

Wouldn't it be interesting to know how many CAIR interns are already embedded in US House and Senate offices? And which members employ them? And what policy influence they are already exerting?

High-level delusions about Islam

The New York Times has done it again, how many times now? A scoop about our war with the jihadists endangers American lives. Editors piously cite "the public's right to know." Never mind national security, or for that matter national survival. This time it was a Nov. 9 story headlined "Secret Order Lets U.S. Raid Al Qaeda." It’s easy to guess the mechanism at work: Progressives in the State Department leak information to Times reporters. State Dept Officials believe it is their duty to hold “this irresponsible war monger right wing President in check” with strategic embarrassing leaks, of which this latest is only one of many. The President, defeated and dispirited, does nothing.

The State Department is of the “Academic School” for the study of Islam. They study Islamic art, architecture, literature and poetry, maybe the obsolescent Medinan Suras. They do NOT study Jihad, nor can they predict Islamic behavior except as a reaction to the West (the “blame America First” position). This is the school as taught in most of the Islamic Studies Centers at the major Universities, and funded by the Saudis. It is the study of Islam as done by the “Dhimmis”, the semi-slave non-Muslims who have already submitted to Islam.

If American society and Western Civilization are to survive, there must be some “change” in this regard, although we are not likely to find any change for the better with the incoming administration. An obvious step is to convert the “Academic” school to the “Foundational School”.

The Foundational School studies the SAME foundational documents of Islam as the believers themselves! This means not only the Qu’ran, but the “The Hadiths”, or the “Sayings of Mohammad” and the “Sira”, “The life of Mohammad”, the perfect man whom we all must emulate, (but I will pass on the 9 year old wife).

The Foundational School CAN predict Islamic behavior by understanding the Theology that drives them! This is the key to understanding political Islam. And by the way, there is no difference between religious and political Islam, as the Islamics themselves will tell you. When the Imams preach “Death to America and Death to the Jews” in their houses of worship, it gives us a very good reason to treat Islam as a political movement and not allow them to hide behind the veil of religion.

The Foundational School also studies the full history of Jihad and its victims, some 270 million killed over the centuries. It is the School of “The Kafirs”, the “hated ones” who have NOT submitted to Islam!

Once the State Department converts to the Foundational School, and gets rid of their Wahabbist translators that are keeping them blind to true Islamic intentions, possibly their instinct for survival will kick in and America will have a chance.

Kris the Welder, Gold Star Dad

An Open Letter to Sen. Barack Obama: On the surface I would appear to be an example of your target audience, a perfect candidate for your message of “change.” In 2007 my world came apart. I lost my business and filed for bankruptcy. I lost my modest condo to foreclosure. Everything I owned is gone. And most importantly, I lost my son in Iraq. He was killed in action serving his country and protecting his “boys,” those who served beside him. If anyone has a reason to reach for the lifeline you describe in campaign stops, it is me.

But Sen. Obama, I have asked for only one thing from you and the leaders of your party. I have asked for a five minute phone call. I started calling your office last March and I have made dozens of calls to various Senators and Representatives who express their views about the war in Iraq with a “national” voice. You have ignored me. Why?

Perhaps had I stood on the street corner and shouted that “Bush Lied! Soldiers Died!” you would hear me. Perhaps if I screamed that corrupt lenders forced me to take a mortgage that was beyond my means, you would have heard me. Perhaps if I would have contributed money, you would have heard my cry. Perhaps. What I did offer was a private meeting with 25 Gold Star Dads. I know from your staff, you heard that and rejected it. Why?

Sen. Obama, I have lost everything in life that I held dear and you offer nothing to me of value. I do not want government gifts and yet I am now receiving aid from Medicaid and I have an application for a small benefit from Veterans Affairs. It pains me more than I can say to have fallen so low. But Sen. Obama, you were not responsible for these programs and they remain in place even with eight years of President Bush.

What I do want is for this country to consider the price paid for freedom and what freedom really means. FREEDOM includes the possibility of failure. I have failed many times over and that failure was of my doing. FREEDOM includes failure. It must or success is without value. FREEDOM includes the sacrifice of service and the reward of condemnation by those who hate without cause. FREEDOM means I will sit and cry as I consider the life my son might have had and the HERO he will remain.

Sen. Obama, you sell servitude cloaked as a “tax cut.” You claim support for our military while you plot with those who hate everything for which my son died. Sen. Obama, you are the Blind, Deaf and Dumb. You did not see William Ayers on your street, did not hear twenty years of hate in church and you did not speak out to save the life of a single unborn baby. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. If you are the answer as so many seem to believe, God save us from ourselves.

Kris Hager Gold Star Dad Venice, Florida

Islamic guilt trip rolls on

Religious bias filings in the workplace are on the rise, according to the Wall Street Journal. Here's the link for their 10/16 story.. One must put this in proper perspective: such filings by Muslim groups constitute “classic cultural jihad”. Muslim groups will put continual pressure on employers and local officials to accommodate their culture and traditions with the intention of slowly but surely replacing ours entirely. This is the publicly announced long term Muslim goal.

The normal reaction of most decent Americans is to be non-confrontational, to try to compromise, to dialog, and to “reach out and understand”. The Muslims interpret this as weakness and push even harder. The key: Muslims feel morally superior to us, and have nothing but contempt for us. They have no problem cynically using our traditions of religious liberty and common decency to posture as “persecuted victims” and to strive to destroy the very liberties of which they are taking advantage.

If we wish to even have an America in 50 years, we will have to resist each and every encroachment. Look at Holland! They have tried to appease Muslim demands for 30 years. The result: Dutch culture is on the verge of disappearing into an Islamized Western Europe.