John Carson for CU Regent

When the 6th Congressional District Republican Assembly convenes on April 5, there will be a contest for the nomination to University of Colorado Board of Regents. I am supporting John Carson. His education reform achievements as president of the Douglas County School Board have had national impact. His candidacy is distinguished by a strong determination to fight for intellectual diversity and true academic freedom in CU's halls of learning. Carson will carry on the visionary work begun on this issue by retiring 6th CD Regent Jim Geddes.

Please join me in doing everything you can to see John nominated and elected. Colorado needs Carson! You can learn more and get involved by going to

On the right: Who needs to learn what?

Soul-searching time on the center-right. The unorganized movement of fed-up citizens called Tea Party (not as another political party, but invoking the spirit of 1773 at Boston Harbor) has no way of choosing its tactics or learning a new style. It's just a frustrated outpouring of civic energy and urgency. So if there's any learning to be done, the Republican organization (sometimes called the establishment, but that's an unhelpful pejorative) must learn how to harness this movement's determination and passion. Only in that way can our side build a winning coalition to stop the Obama collectivist wave.

Thus when my friend Mike Rosen wrote a warning in his Denver Post column the other day,"Tea Party must learn to embrace coalition politics," based on things some Tea Party activists have said that are reckless, self-defeating, or apocalyptic, I'll grant he had a point "up to a point."

But the only institutional vehicle capable of learning anything or leading anything, in this moment of tremendous opportunity as America senses the greatest upsurge of populist fervor in half a century, is the skeletal structure of the GOP.

The adapting that we all know is needed has to come from them, not from the fed-up citizens movement. Here's the Rosen column. Tell me what you think.

Election 2013: Here's My Voter Guide

Colorado's election season is here. Self-government stood a better chance of proceeding thoughtfully and responsibly, in my opinion, when most or all of our voting was done on one day, not over a three-week period. But this is the reality we have to live with now - made worse by the recent HB-1303 with its same-day registration at polling places and its scattergun distribution of mail ballots - so let's pool our best judgment as conservatives and fight on. Since friends often ask how I will be voting, or how I would vote if residing in another part of the state, I am glad to provide the following rundown on ballot questions and candidates seeking the citizens' approval when results are tallied on Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2013.


Amendment 66: Would increase state income taxes about $1 billion annually, go back to a progressive tax rate instead of a flat tax, dedicate the new revenues to "improvements" in K-12 education, and lock in a fixed percentage of state revenues for school funding.

I VOTE NO: Better schools will only come from competition and choice, not from funneling more dollars to pay and pensions for teachers and educrats. America has tripled its real per-student funding to government schools since 1970 with zero improvement in test scores. State and local government in Colorado already costs too much, partly because of the very unions that are pushing this tax hike.


Proposition AA: Would respond to last year's vote of the people to legalize recreational marijuana (RMJ) by levying upon RMJ an excise tax of 15% at the wholesale level and a sales surtax of 10% (above the existing 2.9%) at the retail level, dedicating $40 million a year from the excise tax to school construction.

I VOTE NO: New money for state and local regulation of the RMJ industry is arguably necessary, but the existing 2.9% sales tax will arguably cover that. Piling on an additional 25% tax rate is merely a revenue grab by the Democratic legislature, with much of the revenue going to unrelated purposes. Sin taxes for behavior modification aren't good policy. And the whopping take for government will only encourage black markets.


Counties Seeking to Separate from Colorado: Commissioners in Weld, Elbert, Moffatt, and 8 other counties have asked voters to instruct them on applying to the General Assembly for permission to leave the governmental structure of Colorado and form themselves into a new state of North Colorado (or in Moffatt's case, to apply to join the state of Wyoming.

I WOULD VOTE YES: Would the legislature approve any county's motion to secede? Not as presently constituted, and probably not ever. Would the US Congress, if secession did occur, grant statehood to a new territory with vast expanse, sparse population, and two Republican senators? Again, it's scarcely imaginable. But I strongly favor the symbolic impact of numerous counties seeking to do this. I like the "vote of no confidence" message it would send an out-of-touch, liberal-dominated legislative and executive branch in Denver. I like the inversion of public debate whereby ever-bigger, ever-more-centralized government is challenged to justify itself for a change, instead of limited-government advocates always being on the defensive.


School Board Elections

As indicated in the discussion of Amendment 66, above, government schools tend to perform poorly because teacher unions ensure they are run more for the benefit of the employees than of the customer (kids and families), by the clever strategem of packing school boards with union-picked directors. Here are the school board candidates NOT beholden to unions in several of the districts I have been watching.

Douglas County Doug Benevento Meghann Silverthorn Jim Geddes Judith Reynolds

Jefferson County John Newkirk Julie Williams Ken Witt

Denver Barbara O'Brien Mike Johnson Rosemary Rodriguez Landri Taylor

Adams 12 Rico Figueroa Debbie Christianson

Mapleton Martin Mendez Jen Raiffie

Municipal Elections

Centennial I like Kathy Turley in District 1, Brian Olson in District 3, and Cathy Noon for Mayor.

Lakewood I like Dan Smith in Ward 3 and Ramey Johnson in Ward 2.

Arapahoe County Races

Arapahoe GOP website has a complete listing of registered Republicans who are candidates in every "nonpartisan" school board or municipal race within the county. Click to their website and scroll down.

Grassroots Radio touts 'vote of no confidence'

Thanks, Ken Clark and Jason Worley, for a good discussion of the winning story line for Colorado conservatives in 2013-2014 on today's edition of Grassroots Radio, 560 KLZ. They endorsed the thesis in my recent column, "Vote of No Confidence," that the right can ride the Morse-Giron recalls to a winning streak in elections this year and next. I'll be talking about the column again on Backbone Radio, 710 KNUS, this Sunday at 530pm with Matt Dunn and Krista Kafer. Read the column here.

Clashing freedoms can coexist

Did you hear about the Jewish festival selling an exhibit table to the Christian proselytizers? Or the Catholic conference where opponents, after pitching a fit, were allowed a poster saying the Pope is the anti-Christ? Of course not. But how about the Planned Parenthood seminar where pro-lifers insisted on displaying gruesome photos of aborted babies? Or the Log Cabin Republicans gay advocacy group letting Fred Phelps advertise at their convention?

Why didn’t you hear about any of those incompatible matchups? Because the American way is freedom, fairness, tolerance as a two-way street. The American way is live and let live. Private organizations, whether religious or secular, get to choose their partners and presenters in keeping with the organization’s core values.

What you have heard about this week, though, is the Log Cabin Republicans laying on a national campaign of shaming and bullying against Colorado Christian University for asserting that same First Amendment protection – the right to choose our partners and presenters at an upcoming conference in keeping with our own core values.

Annually since 2010, CCU has hosted the Western Conservative Summit. We’re expecting 4000 delegates, 50 speakers, and 100 exhibitors this coming June 26-28. But the Summit is not about parties. It’s a freedom rally with a Christian biblical worldview.

Participants needn’t endorse that worldview, but if a group opposes it, we can’t endorse them. So the Colorado Log Cabin Republicans, with their advocacy of same-sex marriage, were turned down after applying to be an exhibit partner and making provisional payment.

We encouraged them to attend as individuals instead, then refunded the payment and explained our tenet of faith that marriage is one man and one woman. Anti-gay? No. We’ve had Tammy Bruce speak at the Summit and Mark Ferrandino speak on campus. We love everyone, gay or straight, as Jesus commands us.

To have had Log Cabin supporters from across the country calling us haters, bigots, and the Taliban in return, trying to shut down our conference, didn’t feel like the American way. We wanted to say: get a “Coexist” bumper sticker, people. We respect your sexual freedom. Please respect our religious freedom.

It makes sense for the state Republican Party to include Log Cabin as an official GOP affiliate group at their Summit exhibit booth, along with other affiliate groups for women, blacks, Hispanics, etc. That’s the party’s call, not CCU’s call – a win-win for friends of liberty and limited government. Everyone’s welcome at the Summit. See you there. ------------------- This first appeared in the Denver Post on April 18, 2015. John Andrews ( is a former president of the Colorado Senate and currently director of the Centennial Institute at Colorado Christian University.