If we define tragedy as a crucible of human pain where vast forces collide and blame is unclear, the centuries-long ordeal of black and white in America is exactly that.
After the Ahmad Rahami bombings in New York and New Jersey over the weekend, chalk up another jihadist strike on the homeland enabled by CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
Colin Kaepernick takes a knee in protest and Christians object. But when Tim Tebow took a knee in prayer, Christians applauded. Why did it matter either way? Both are just overgrown kids, overpaid for throwing a football.
Fifteen years on from 9/11 and eight weeks from election 2016, we're out of time for analysis paralysis on the right. Is America in grave danger from a Hillary Clinton presidency and long-term dominance of America's institutions by the progressive left, or not?
With law enforcement under siege across the country this year and many Democratic politicians cowering from thugs, race hustlers, and white guilt, Denver needs a fearless career prosecutor to lead the fight for safe streets and impartial justice.