Across the West, once-powerful socialist parties are hemorrhaging voters as the working class looks elsewhere for shelter from the harsh winds of globalization, a trend Bernie Sanders can’t wish away, says contributor Bill Moloney
As Christians we must remember that politics is not war, nor is it optional, nor is it ultimate. Participation is our opportunity to witness for King Jesus, rendering rightly to Caesar and to God.
We still have much to learn from the massacre at Columbine High School twenty years ago this week, says contributor Don Lee, who was at the time both a legislator from that community and a parent at the school.
With parties of the left no longer championing Joe Sixpack and Jane Jobholder in the rapidly globalizing economies of America and Europe, it’s no wonder the right has surged, writes contributor Bill Moloney
Unplanned, the pro-life feature film that’s far outrunning box-office predictions this spring, will stir you and surprise you, says contributor Ellen Short.