Harnessing up Rudolph

Slated on Backbone Radio, December 23 Listen every Sunday, 5-8pm on 710 KNUS, Denver.. 1460 KZNT, Colorado Springs... and streaming live at 710knus.com.

How exciting! Sunday is the eve of Christmas Eve, and we invite you to join us for a special edition of Backbone Radio. Helping us to scan the skies and interpret the tidings will be a filmmaker, an educator, a commentator, a colonel, and a poet. Good listening for sure.

My guests will include Sean Wolfington, producer of the surprise hit movie "Bella"... Joneen Krauth, originator of the Wait Training abstinence course... Jay Ambrose of the Rocky Mountain News... Col. Ray Peacock of the Salvation Army... and local Christian writer Anushka Solomon of AttheWindow.us.

I'll do my best Scrooge imitation, Krista Kafer will have an update on the little town of Bethlehem, and Matt Dunn will provide Christmas music of all descriptions, everything except the Chipmunks. And we'll not breathe a word of "Happy Holidays," promise.

Warmest wishes of the season, JOHN ANDREWS