Radio, August 21: Brand them dogies

"We thought it was worth reminding people that the Democratic Party brand [of bigger government] is strongly stamped on this proposal," I told the Rocky Mountain News on Wednesday. Wow. Never was there a better illustration that the truth hurts. We at Backbone America put up a cheery little radio ad complimenting the Democrats on their unanimous support for higher taxes and deeper debt under Referendum C & D, and they go nutzo.

Think I'm exaggerating? Well, governor candidate Bill Ritter has called for the ad to be pulled. And Senate Majority Leader Ken Gordon said he's not one to "call people evil," then implied that evil is just what I am.

So are you guys ashamed of being Democrats and advocating bigger government? Be proud, what could be more American? Of course I know that some Republicans also support C & D. Our ad doesn't deny it. If those particular Republicans will raise the money for another ad buy, we'll get the stars of this spot, Ray Revenue and Debbie Debt, to cut a GOP version as well (ick).

Who said politics is boring? as Laura Ingraham chirps each morning. Speaking of which, you can hear our spot on 710 AM, KNUS in Denver, during Laura's show on Friday and again next week, also during Sean Hannity and Hugh Hewitt on those days.

On KNUS this Sunday, 5-8pm, you can hear me and Matt and Beth talk about this funny brawl -- "Who loves taxes more, R's or D's?" -- and lots of other big issues as we host another edition of "Backbone Radio with John Andrews."

Listen to us at 710 AM for broadcast or for streaming online. Call and talk with us at 303-696-1971. Or email your questions and comments to me at

Lend us your ears. We need you! It's going to be a strong show.

* Will Gaza become terror central, now that Israel is pulling out? Dr. Neil Dobro, who was there recently, will join me in studio.

* Shouldn't we insist on 65 cents of the education dollar actually reaching kids? First Class Education, the reform wave coming to CO from AZ, says damn right. Founder Tim Mooney will explain.

* Is Cindy Sheehan's media-drenched protest of the Iraq war making our enemies stronger and our country less secure? Columnist Frank Gaffney wrote 8/16 that he believe so. I'll ask him why.

* Is Centennial city government caving in too easily on the smut-shop zoning issue? Neighborhood activist Cathy Noon will report from the battlefront. See also Spencer Swalm's 8/15 piece in the Rocky.

* All this plus a memory lane stroll with Pete Van Vleck, a fellow camper 50 years ago at my dad's camp near Buena Vista. The camp's golden anniversary is saluted in my Denver Post column on 8/21.

I hope you will listen in, call in during the show at 303-696-1971, and shoot us your comments or questions at

Liven up your Sunday evening with some backbone -- the most principled, most patriotic, most faith-based, most Colorado-proud conversation on the weekend radio dial.

We're the talk show that believes in America without apologies, that puts principle into politics, that's quietly recruiting citizen soldiers to help restore this Republic. Want to be one?