Radio, Jan. 15: Wanna fight?

Join us on radio every Sunday, 5-8pm on 710 KNUS, DenverTo listen online from anywhere, click ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Resolved, this house refuses under any circumstances to fight for king and country." When that debate proposition carried at Oxford in the 1930s, Hitler knew Britain could be had.

How much fight there is in American hearts today, remains to be seen. Yes, after 9/11 we took out the Taliban, then toppled Saddam. But national self-doubt seems to be rising now. Can we outlast the Islamofascist enemy? Can we even control our own borders?

"Our own greatest generation," Gov. Owens' tribute to US armed forces in his State of the State this week, is deserved and true. Questions loom, however, about how much greatness our intellectual elites and leaders on the home front can muster, at this testing time for America.

We will explore those questions on the Jan. 15 edition of "Backbone Radio with John Andrews." Please listen in and call in. The broadcast is from 5-8pm Sunday on 710 KNUS in Denver. The webcast is at everywhere, same time. We'll take your calls at 303-696-1971 and your emails at

** On TV right now, I have a spot running that says bravo to Bush for his Al Qaeda surveillance, warrants or not. Harsh interrogation methods are also needed against Al Qaeda captives, I believe. Policy analyst Kevin Miller will join me Sunday to discuss how the emotional label of "torture" impedes clear thinking on this tough question.

** As for the silent invasion of illegal aliens, my Jan. 15 guests will include Prof. Ed Erler, a Claremont Institute scholar, discussing birthright citizenship, and philanthropist Helen Krieble discussing her foundation's guest worker plan that Owens has been advocating.

** Leondray Gholston of the Colorado Black Republican Forum returns to the show with some thoughts on this weekend's Martin Luther King Holiday.

** And liberal columnist Mike Littwin of the Rocky Mountain News will drop in for another of the shootouts I like to have with him. Judge Alito, NSA spying, and combative Joe Stengel are among Mike's recent column topics.

So if your fighting spirit needs a lift, this is the place to come. Join us for another great Sunday evening of fact, opinion, and insight. It's all yours on Backbone Radio, the most principled, most patriotic, most faith-based, most Colorado-proud spot on the dial.

Yours for self-government, JOHN ANDREWS