Radio, June 18: Rule of Law

Update after 6/18 show: For Rep. Ted Harvey's Colorado pro-life moment heard round the world, go to and click on Issues.------------------------------------------------------------- Join us on radio every Sunday, 5-8pm on 710 KNUS, Denver To listen online from anywhere, click ------------------------------------------------------------- It's been a tough week here in Colorado for the rule of law. The citizens petition seeking to uphold that rule by reserving tax-paid services for legal residents was tossed off the ballot Monday by Democrats on the state Supreme Court in a display of raw judicial imperialism. AP headlined my concern about an ethics violation by the justice who wrote that awful opinion.

Then on Thursday the state Appeals Court ruled that common-law marriage may be valid for a girl as young as 12. What? But today, Friday, another ballot issue went into high gear, this one providing term limits of "ten years and out" for Colorado Supreme Court justices and Appeals Court judges. We'll need 100,000 signatures in 50 days -- but boy, does this thing have momentum.

"Backbone Radio with John Andrews," this Sunday on 710 KNUS, will talk about courts out of control, borders out of control, ambition out of control (though a judge today did take Holtzman and his friend Grueskin down a peg), and other trends that would dismay America's Founders.

We hope you'll join us, since it's also Father's Day, for which Steve Chavis of Promise Keepers and pro-life champion Ted Harvey, state representative from Highlands Ranch, will be my guests.

Former Gov. Dick Lamm, the Democrat voice of reason on curbing illegal immigration, will check in with a forecast of where the issue goes after Monday's court setback. We'll also get Rep. Ted Harvey's preview of the legislative special session likely to occur soon.

Other topics? We got'em. John Fund of the Wall Street Journal will relate his incredible scoop about the Taliban fanatic luxuriating on a Yale scholarship. And Geoffrey Segal of the Reason Foundation will tell why Chicago is selling off infrastructure. Are you listening, Mayor Hick?

Tune in from 5-8pm this Sunday, June 18, on 710 KNUS in Denver and around the world. Call in with your two-cents at 303-696-1971. Or comment by email, during the show or right now, at

There's nothing else quite like Backbone Radio, the most principled, most patriotic, most faith-based, most Colorado-proud spot on the dial. Tune in for another lively Sunday evening of fact, opinion, and insight.

Yours for self-government, JOHN ANDREWS