Barakat Bad, Rose Remarkable On tonight's Backbone Radio show, local Muslim leader Rima Barakat was more evasive, combative, and manipulative than anyone we've ever tried to interview. Who is being more honest and fair, Barakat in her 11/20 Rocky piece voicing Palestinian grievances or Neil Dobro in his 11/27 reply defending Israel? Why was she unwilling to explain the MILA charity (Muslims Intent on Learning and Activism) and her connection to it? See the links and judge for yourself.
But our next guest, Danish editor Flemming Rose, gave a superb account of his role in the Mohammed cartoon controversy, and through that prism, of what a free society should mean and how Europe should respond to radical Islam.
The cartoons, very sparsely published in this country, can be viewed on Joshua Sharf's website. Rose's eloquence and courage will be on stage at the CU-Boulder law school building, Wittemyer Courtroom, 730pm Monday. Free and open to the public.