Radio, June 3: President Tancredo?

Join us on radio every Sunday, 5-8pm on 710 KNUS, Denverand now also on 1460 KZNT, Colorado Springs To listen online from anywhere, click ------------------------------------------------------------------------- "None of the above" seems to be gaining support in both political parties as the 2008 presidential marathon continues. Discontent with the existing candidates has people buzzing about the opportunity for a late entry and meteoric rise by Fred Thompson for the GOP or Al Gore for the Dems.

On the Republican side, it's now doubtful President Bush (if eligible to run again) could even get the nomination, let alone be reelected. So badly has he "torn the conservative coalition asunder," according to a grim piece by Peggy Noonan in the WSJ on Friday.

But at least one contender in the current GOP field is in a position to say he warned us, and that outspoken Colorado congressman is our guest on Backbone Radio this Sunday, June 3.

Tom "I'd call Jack Bauer" Tancredo, a longtime champion of secure borders and candid critic of Bush's lapses from conservatism, returns to the show for the first time since he entered the race for the White House.

** We've urged Tom to campaign as a street-fighting man, ala the Stones, and he cheerfully does so. But he has said a top-five finish in the Iowa straw poll this August is a must for his candidacy. Is that in the cards? Joshua Sharf, Matt Dunn, and Karen Kataline will ask him (I'm away on assignment this week).

** American Muslim patriot Zuhdi Jasser is another return guest for June 3. That troubling Pew poll on homegrown jihadism will surely be one topic with him.

** Plus State Rep. Rob Witwer (R-Jeffco) with a legislative and political update, and author Nicholas Taleb, whose insightful book "The Black Swan" is prompting many people to rethink the way the world works.

Spin the dial, surf the net, troll through the weekdays -- you just won't find anything else like Backbone Radio. Please be part of our show this weekend by tuning in at 5pm Sunday.

Yours for self-government, JOHN ANDREWS