All created equal?

Slated on Backbone Radio, August 12 Listen every Sunday, 5-8pm on 710 KNUS, Denver.. 1460 KZNT, Colorado Springs... and streaming live at

I am so high on America I could have flown home from California without the plane. All week I took part in the 2007 Lincoln Fellows seminar out at the Claremont Institute. What a privilege to be at the table with some of the country's most promising young conservatives, listening to such scholars as Charles Kesler, Thomas G. West, and Edward Erler discuss the timeless principles of the American Founding. Here's more about the Lincoln Fellows.

Thanks to legislators Nancy Spence and Cory Gardner, along with former Lincoln Fellow Matt Dunn, for hosting Backbone Radio last week in my absence. Word has it none of the three found themselves at a loss for words. I'm happy to be rejoining you at the microphone for this Sunday's show.

But here's the rub. If it is in fact self-evidently true that all men are created equal, endowed with rights to life and liberty, entitled to conduct government by their consent, why do our nation and world so imperfectly reflect those truths at present?

How can Americans consent to -- put up with -- misgovernment on a scale that would shock the Founders? Why the laws in so many countries discriminating by race, caste, or religion in a mockery of equality? Why such apathy in the Western democracies toward Islamic theocracy with its bloody global ambitions?

** Our show welcomes Pierre Rehov, the French director of "Suicide Killers," and Frank Gaffney, originator of the PBS-banned series "Islam vs. Islamists."

** Ward Connerly of the American Civil Rights Institute returns with an update on his push for a color-blind constitution. From India comes Joseph D'Souza, advocate for that country's quarter-billion Untouchables, the Dalit people.

** And investigative reporter Rowan Scarborough joins us to share the grim findings of his book about CIA obstruction of US national security.

What a tribute to conservative talk radio that the left is begging for on-air quotas to push its less persuasive views. And what a kick for us at Backbone Radio to provide your weekend conservative update every Sunday. Tune in, please!

Yours for self-government, JOHN ANDREWS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GOP TANTRUMS, ROUND FOUR... Just when it appeared Colorado Republicans might halt their diaper wars and grow up, the bitterness breaks out again. Bob Schaffer is the consensus nominee for US Senate next year, so far so good, but now the sore losers of last year's 5th CD primary want another shot at Congressman Doug Lamborn, a Reaganite if there ever was one. Why? After an ugly Senate primary in 2004, Ref C in 2005, and an ugly fight over the Guv nomination in 2006, we don't need a fourth straight intraparty bloodletting. Fighting Dems is what it's all about, gang. ------------------------------------------------------------------------