Why another primary in 5th CD?

Darn, just when it appeared Colorado Republicans might halt their tantrums and grow up, the bitterness breaks out again. Bob Schaffer is our consensus nominee for US Senate next year, so far so good. But now the brooding also-rans in last year’s 5th CD primary, Jeff Crank and perhaps also Bentley Rayburn, want another shot at freshman Congressman Doug Lamborn of Colorado Springs. Why would this be, other than personal pique or stylistic distaste for the uncharismatic but solid-voting incumbent?

Lamborn is a Reaganite if there ever was one, and 2008 is a year for party unity and discipline if there ever was one. After an ugly Senate primary between Schaffer and Coors in 2004, internecine strife over Ref C in 2005, and a nasty battle between Beauprez and Holtzman for the Guv nomination in 2006, Republicans don’t need Diaper War IV this time around.

Forcing Lamborn into a bloody fight for renomination over the next 12 months (yes, it’s that far to the primary election) can only diminish GOP hopes of holding the Senate seat as Wayne Allard retires and hurt our chance of gaining seats — let alone retaking the majority — in the state legislature.

Fighting Democrats, not each other, needs to be the name of the game, I keep telling my party brethren and sistren. Seems too few are listening. There’s some small consolation, but not enough, in seeing the Polis-Fitzgerald-Shafroth scrap among 2nd CD Dems turn nasty as well. “Can’t we all just get along?” Where’s Rodney King when you need him?