How the Rockies did it

Slated on Backbone Radio, October 21 Listen every Sunday, 5-8pm on 710 KNUS, Denver.. 1460 KZNT, Colorado Springs... and streaming live at

Yes, we're a political show and proud of it. But we wouldn't miss the chance to talk baseball, the supreme subject of the hour here in Colorado, on the eve of the dazzling Rockies' first trip to the World Series. It will be my honor, and your treat, to have sports legend Bob Howsam on the show this Sunday. Howsam has been in the middle of baseball (and football) locally since he ran the old Denver Bears in 1948. After helping found the Broncos and their league, the AFL, Bob became St. Louis Cardinals GM in midseason 1964 as they pulled a pennant upset, then a Series win over the Yankees. He later led Cincinnati's Big Red Machine to four pennants and two World Series wins in 1970-76.

Though now an Arizona resident, the Denver native says he was for the Rockies all the way as they swept the Diamondbacks for the NL crown. (The Rox are the first team to go 7-0 in post-season play since his Reds did it in 1976.) Bob Howsam was in Rockies management for the club's first three years. We'll ask him about how 2007 happened and what to expect in the Series. Don't miss this interview!

** And there's more. Israel's Mark Prowisor joins me in studio to talk about our two countries' war with Islamofascism. He's the former army security chief in the Nablus-Ramadi sector of the West Bank.

** Joseph C. Phillips, our man in Hollywood, and Robert Woodson, head of the Center for Neighborhood Enterprise and a leader for black empowerment, will also check in.

** Plus we'll talk about graduation standards and Democrat denial with state Sen. Josh Penry and state Rep. Rob Witwer, point men for the Republican push on Colorado education reform.

Conservative talk radio is a force. Media Matters, those phony nonpartisans, and their comrades in the Democratic Party want to neuter it by any means necessary. Their national arm and Harry Reid are out to paint Rush Limbaugh as unpatriotic (right), while Henry Waxman stalks Limbaugh, Hannity, and Levin. Their local watchdogs regularly bark and whine at my show. Which only proves our medium's importance as a defender of freedom. And we're not going away.

Yours for self-government, JOHN ANDREWS