McCain & Hillman carry assembly

Colorado Republican conventioneers gave presumptive presidential nominee John McCain a strong vote of confidence at the state assembly in Broomfield on May 31, despite a loud and proud showing by Ron Paul supporters. Separately, Mark Hillman rolled to victory for national committeeman on his rousing speech, smoothly organized campaign, and statewide alliances from a near-miss for State Treasurer in 2006. Hillman scored 55% against 26% for impressive newcomer Leondray Gholston and 19% for Dave Schultheis, the Reaganite state senator from Colorado Springs.

The 44 slots for national convention delegates and alternates (see results listed below) were contested among a record 380 aspirants who included 70-plus Pauliacs with their mustard-colored T-shirts and defiant slogans. Winning tallies went mostly to the names (some familiar, others not) on a McCain Unity Slate flyer that papered the hall.

Republicans hoping for victory in November have to be concerned, though, with the tepid McCain feelings evident at Broomfield in contrast with the fire of Ron Paul's "real right" devotees.

Also ominous to me were the apathy manifest in some 4200 no-shows on Saturday for 6800 state assembly delegate and alternate positions, and the near-invisibility of President Bush in the day's proceedings. His name drew only the weakest applause when mentioned by National Committeewoman Lilly Nunez in her reelection speech.

Encouraging, in contrast, was the energy and determination mobilized among Republican legislators by their leaders, Sen. Andy McElhany and Rep. Mike May and their lieutenants. This bodes well for the fall, especially in light of Gov. Bill Ritter's repeated stumbles, most recently his court defeat on TABOR as colorfully related to the assembly by Jon Caldara.

The delegates' blood was also stirred by excellent speeches from Bob Schaffer (as detailed in Crater's post above this one) and Tom Tancredo. Tancredo grinned as he hinted about the future. Is he taking aim on Ritter for 2010?

Backbone America congratulates our office manager, Kathleen LeCrone, on her election for RNC alternate in an earlier round of voting two weeks ago.

Yours truly, after being an RNC delegate at New York in 2004, a Nixon staffer at the Miami convention in 1972, and a page at RNC Chicago when Nixon bested Goldwater in 1960, passed on the delegate race this year. I hope to cover both RNC St. Paul and DNC Denver on a media credential for 710 KNUS.

Colorado Republican Party Delegation to the 2008 Republican National Convention Official Results as published by state GOP, May 31

At-Large State Delegates:

Marti Allbright Wayne Williams Kerith Brehm Alan Duff Charcie Russell John Carson Kristy Burton Crista Huff Albert Bollwerk Monica Owens Merilou Athens-Barnekow Conrad Ladd Beverly Henry Kent Lambert Thomas Kirk Mojie Adler Shari Williams Clif Sams Celeste Huber Douglas Robinson Gary Bartel Tom Wiens

At-Large State Alternates:

Mary Smith Ryan Call Candy Figa Art Onweller Patrick Johnson William Leone William Jeffers Jack Gloriod Roger Houdek Athena Dalton Patrick Kelly Michael Eddy Frieda Wallison Kevin Holst Lia Moran Jace Ratzlaff June Robinson Joe Smith Cynthia Hamlyn Haley Brooke-Hitching Clark Bolser Hugo Chavez-Rey

Congressional District 1:

Delegates: Gabriel Schwartz Michele Austin Sharon Johnson

Alternates: Joy Wood David Sprecace Harry Arkin

Congressional District 2:

Delegates: Marty Neilson Guy Short Kimberly Peticoles

Alternates: LeMoine Dowd Patrick Johnson Timothy Gilmore

Congressional District 3:

Delegates: Jack Taylor Geneva Taylor Carol Brown

Alternates: Mark Young Ralph Walchle Wendell Coats

Congressional District 4:

Delegates: Abe Villarreal Perry Buck Sue Sharkey

Alternates: Kevin Lundberg Anita Cornwell Travis Witsitt

Congressional District 5:

Delegates: John Suthers Robert Balink Ken Chlouber

Alternates: Robert McCombs Summer Vanderbilt Merilee O'Neal

Congressional District 6:

Delegates: Joe Nunez Kendall Unruh Nathan Chambers

Alternates: Kim Ransom Kathleen LeCrone Richard Murray

Congressional District 7:

Delegates: Matt Knoedler Shirley Sietz Lynn Cottrell

Alternates: Katherine Isenberger Jack Ott Jobadiah Weeks