Marshall Fritz of the Alliance for the Separation of School and State is one of the most effective freedom advocates and brilliantly buoyant human beings I've ever known. Now 65, he's been been given only a matter of months to live with a cancer diagnosis, his second. Before founding the Alliance, Marshall was instrumental in the growth of the California Libertarian Party, created the still-vigorous Advocates for Self-Government, and birthed an experimental school, Pioneer Christian Academy, in his hometown of Fresno. Celebrations of his life, attended by friends, family, and associates from the political wars, have recently been held in Atlanta, Fresno, and Hollywood. I attended the latter on June 21 with about 60 other Fritz fans, and found it an amazingly joyous and lighthearted occasion. But that's Marshall for you. The father of four, grandfather of 12, and longtime husband of Joan has that effect on any group under any circumstances. Part of it is probably his glowing Catholic faith; the rest is simply innate. Unique and irreplaceable to be sure.
His getting-ready-to-die website is at On the close of that evening, I was moved to quote Song of Solomon 2:4..."He took me to the banqueting house, and His banner over me was love." Marshall Fritz's earthly life, however much longer it may last, has been a vivid enactment of love for God and man -- which is now being repaid with lavish testimonials of their love for him. The banners of that banquet, I won't soon forget.