Talk radio stars headed here

Conservative radio hosts Michael Medved, Dennis Prager, and Hugh Hewitt, my colleagues on 710 KNUS, will speak at a voter turnout rally next Monday, Oct. 27, at the Marriott DTC Hotel, I-25 & Belleview, starting at 7pm. It's free and open to the public. I'll be there, hope you will too. It's the first stop of a five-state fly-in for the righty talkers trio during the final week of election 2008, sponsored by Salem Communications, their syndication company. From Denver, Medved, Prager, and Hewitt will barnstorm at additional battleground stops in Minnesota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida., Salem's political site where all three also write columns, has more details about the Oct. 27 rally and the whole tour, linked here.

It doesn't take a crystal ball to predict that here in Colorado they'll draw a sharp contrast between McCain and Obama, and between Schaffer and Udall, maybe just slightly leaning toward the Republican in each case.

And the tour will probably draw extra motivation from the on-air admission by Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) this week that Dems will reinstate the (Un) Fairness Doctrine next year if they can, effectively muzzling conservative talk radio.