Trump boosters plan Colorado inaugural ball

Now that Donald Trump has graduated from the Electoral College with flying colors, next stop is his inauguration as the 45th President of the United States on Friday, January 20, in Washington DC.

The deranged left intends disruptive actions that day, which will probably fail like all the rest of their desperate post-election gambits.  The main order of the day won't be demonstrations but celebrations, as America's silent majority roars with delight at the new era about to begin.

Some of the partying will take place right here in Denver as Trump boosters under the auspices of the Lincoln Club throw an inaugural ball of our own.  Get details and tickets here.

It's an honor for Donna and me to be included on the sponsor and host list along with Bo and Lynne Cottrell, Walker Stapleton, Cynthia Coffman, Wayne Williams, Dan Caplis, and Matt Dunn. Join us for an evening of (legal) high spirits and (realistic) high hopes.


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