Stand strong. This war's not won yet

(By David Prentice) The news we get every day has become particularly depressing, negative even for a media that has decided its job is to paint everything about Trump and his supporters as worse than Hitler.  

The media has attempted to shatter a nation that was on an economic tear, that had a geopolitical ascendence rarely seen before. They have been somewhat successful in hyping hysteria, serving up disinformation, stoking fear, and forwarding their narratives of dystopia.

Thankfully, as the war was actually being won against this unseen virus, Trump did the right thing at the right time.  He pivoted to reopening the country. 

He pivoted towards the regaining of normalcy, and opening up our economy.  This is our new war.

And our Democrat/media complex?  Shamefully, they only cluck about how this was all Trump’s fault in the first place.

Recently, a disconcerting trend is emerging, that some of those who are conservative are beginning to grow weak-kneed, a bit grumbly, a bit sour. 

Comments like, “Trump is giving in,” or “Trump should have done so and so different,” or “Trump is allowing the economy to fail,” or “He is destroying small business”.  I have heard some say worse. 

Trust me, the left rejoices in all this.  It’s been their goal for three years.

Let me say, it is certain that mistakes were made by the administration, they were not perfect.   They are not above criticism.  That is not what I am about to say.   

Are there unintended consequences to the way we fought? Probably.  But one thing is certain.  There is no one who could have done a better job managing our response to the Wuhan virus. 

It was an amazing performance, one that galvanized our medical community, our researchers, our businesses, and the people of this great nation.   

We have not seen an effort like this since World War II. The only difference we have today, compared to 1941-45, is the hard-left media and its preferred politicians actively subverting the war against the virus in order to try to achieve their small-souled agenda.  

Plus, they actually believe they can pin the crisis on Trump rather than the clearly culpable Communist Chinese government.

This narrative of theirs shouldn’t succeed. But it is disconcerting to hear so many on our side give in, in little ways, to this negative onslaught.  This is not the time to grow weary, this is not the time to unknowingly side with the hard-left by becoming back-biters.

Rather, this is a time to regain our purpose.  A time to set our sights on pursuing recovery.  Because if we don’t, we are looking at being ruled by the hard-left, who are openly contemptuous of the principles and ideas that we as a country have stood for.  

For those of you who have buckling knees, know that if the current leadership of the Democratic Party ascends to power, they would have us experiencing the Obama economy Part II, sliding towards Venezuela Part II.

To those of you saying, “Oh, it’s not that bad”.   Have you been listening to what they say they want to do?  What they want you to do and not do?  

It’s pretty clear they actually believe the “Green New Deal” is an awesome idea.  And that Joe Biden, in spite of his corruption and capitulation to the hard-left Bernie Sanders socialist style economic wing, is a “moderate.”  

I’m sorry, but if you listen to their ideas, not one is close to moderate.   They want control, they want power.  They want to try out their dystopian ideas.  And have no illusions, these were the same ideas that brought Venezuela to its knees. 

Noble. Lofty.  The road to Hell.  Paved. 

They talk openly about using this crisis to further their agenda, with no sense of shame, no sense that what they are doing is wrong. If you engage their voter base at all, you know how rabid they are.  Frankly, it’s scary.   

And the consequences of us giving power back to them would be even more so.

Who can do that for them? We ourselves can. We can become fractured, rudderless, and neutered by their media onslaught, particularly if we don’t fight back.  We can choose to second-guess how the war against the virus was not the right thing to do.  

By joining the criticism of Trump, aided and abetted by the always awesomely smart #nevertrumper movement.  By giving in to the temptation to claim we cannot come back from this devastation as a country, that we cannot become normal again, that we need to not reopen, or that we cannot defeat the fear from the left.

To those who want to give in to this whispering of the hard-left, let me say this: BS.

We cannot afford to be summer soldiers.  We cannot afford to give in to petty self-recrimination. We cannot afford to second-guess how America is winning this virus war.  We cannot afford to waver in our efforts to reopen our economy.  

Now is not the time to return to the Stockholm-Syndrome Republicans of old.  Now is not the time to grow tired in our fight against the left.   Now is not the time to abandon our efforts to establish good things for our country, to fight for freedoms, to fight for America opening up.

There will be plenty of time for examination of how we could have fought this war better, after the battle in front of us.  Until then, we need to pick up our step, regain our self-assurance, and fight the good fight to prevent the left from establishing Obama Part II.  Make no mistake, tragedy is what will happen if we lose.  

Yes, it is a time to choose.   Inadvertently choosing to take on the yoke of the hard-left as purposed by Nancy Pelosi, Saint Barack, and the horrifying minions of the leftist media is not what we need.  

Choosing to mush into oblivion as they force their horrid agenda on us is a bad option.   We cannot succumb to their agitprop.

We are facing six months of a hard series of battles. Does anyone believe the Pelosi/Schiff axis is not going to try to destroy Trump by claiming the Coronavirus is his fault?  

Does anyone think the media toadies are going to speak about the absurdities of a candidate who can’t put together a sentence without huge errors on a daily basis?  Or that they won’t preen on about the “honest, self-sacrificing, genteel, moral superiority of Joe Biden”?  

Does anyone believe the Democrat/media complex will not stage an absurd series of new lies about how bad, stupid, and morally bankrupt the Trump family is again and again the next six months?   They will. 

All of this to say, we need to steel ourselves for the onslaught.  We need to stand on the front lines in this battle.  We need to fight the hard left; tough, smart, and never giving in.  

We need to encourage each other in this time, doing any small part we can do.   But know this:  we have just a little over six months to do it in.  That will take a heroic effort.   Give of yourself, pledge your lives, your fortune, your sacred honor.  Pray for renewal.

And do it before it’s too late. 

Don’t grow tired, don’t give in, don’t stop.  It’s time to get serious, it’s time to do what’s needed.  It’s time to overwhelm the hard-left, and replace it with a great America.  Regaining confidence by reopening.  Unifying.  That’s what is needed.  

It’s our new war.

David Prentice has published in American Thinker and Epoch Times, and is now working on a novel. He lives near Traverse City, Michigan. Contact:

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