False ideas have not only gained a hold over the minds of millions. Such ideas are now attempting to silence all dissent. Freedom of thought is at stake. We’re being asked to live by lies.
America’s historic political ethos of mutually respectful disagreement has soured into accusations of bad faith and disloyalty across the left-right divide, and columnist Bill Moloney doesn’t like where things are headed.
Earnest Christians unwilling to engage their church with “messy, divisive political issues” need to realize that even if you’re not interested in politics, politics is interested in you.
What is it about sports that has so captivated me all my life? Why do I cling to their sweet innocence and on-field purity despite all the commercialization and politicization? Maybe it boils down to the simple question, hypothetical for the fan and existential for the doer: “Can I win?”
Marxism, sworn enemy of liberty and equality, is culturally ascendant though politically and economically passe’. . It dehumanizes persons, demoralizes relationships, and decimalizes institutions. It will bring down the USA if not stopped.