World War III

Edwards for the defense: clueless

By Dave Petteys ( John Edwards’ response to the question in this week's debate, “What would you do if the nation were attacked?” was quite revealing: He said in effect “I would determine where the intelligence breakdown was, and find where the Homeland Security had failed, and punish those responsible.” Note that it didn’t even cross Mr. Edwards' mind to strike back at the enemies: only to find scapegoats and crucify them! Very much a lawyer’s response.

Obviously, Mr. Edwards doesn’t understand the nature of the problem. On one hand our Wahabbist enemies together with Iranian sponsored terrorist organizations such as HAMAS are hatching plots of ways to kill us. On the other hand, they are lobbying with Mr. Edwards’ Democratic Party itself to tie the hands of our defenders by cutting back on the Patriot Act and shutting down the monitoring of terrorist communications in the interests of “Civil Rights”. This guarantees that very soon, one of the terrorist plots will go undetected and succeed. And when a plot does succeed, Mr. Edwards is standing by to crucify the valiant men and women who, as we speak, are frantically trying to defend us.

Mr. Edwards doesn’t understand that our defenders have to be right 100% of the time, but our enemies only have to slip through the net once! Mr. Edwards’ approach is reminiscent of congressional meddling and micromanaging during the Civil War: Jacobean hearings would excoriate experienced Officers after each military reversal, placing the blame everywhere except on Congress itself.

In my humble opinion, Mr. Edwards’ legal mind renders him incapable of defending this country, disqualifying him to be a Commander in Chief.

A feminized America is easy prey for the Chos and the Islamofascists

By Dave Petteys ( When a single mom sends her 12 year old son off to Middle School, often times she will instruct him “don’t hit!” which basically ties his hands in defending himself. The boy becomes a target for the school bullies, and his life becomes miserable owing to the intimidation. The mom’s response usually is to wring her hands and complain ineffectually to school officials or to move the boy to another school, where the pattern is repeated.

A father, on the other hand, will encourage his son to defend himself. He will get him boxing or karate lessons, which gives the boy confidence and some options. Then, at the next confrontation, the bully gets knocked on his butt, ending the problem. Bullies concentrate on those who don’t defend themselves. But mom will still object, saying such a response is “stooping to the bully’s level!”

Our traditions were founded by tough frontier families who carved lives out of the primeval forests of North America. The musket over the mantle, powder horns and tomahawks were a necessity of life. The call to muster to defend homes and families against raiding parties was all too frequent for the men of those times. The women understood, appreciated and supported them. This doesn’t seem to be true today.

Modern America hasn’t seen major bloodshed on its soil since the Civil War. Even the attack of 9-11 seems to have sunk from memory, becoming nothing more than a forgotten TV event of sorts. To the modern woman, the idea of the frontiersman husband that defends his family is laughable. Masculine strength and courage are no longer necessary. And if there is a man in a woman’s life at all, it could only be a partnership with a “sensitive new-age guy” that will give her space. And if strength and courage are no longer necessary, neither are firearms.

Gun control is the national equivalent of “don’t hit”. It assumes everyone abides in a feminine rational relational point of view. The problem is, not everyone does, and that seems to be hard for the feminine viewpoint to accept. Theo Van Gogh’s last words to his Radical Islamist murderer were “Can’t we talk about this?” Evidently not. And it’s painfully clear how Radical Islam treats their women! The VA Tech shooter Cho Seung-Hui didn’t want to discuss things either. Had any teacher presented herself to reason with him, she would have received a 9mm beauty spot between her running lights.

As the threat of radical Islam grows, and as the VA Tech media attention encourages “copy cat massacres” elsewhere, it may be time to realize America still may need masculine qualities of courage and strength, as well as the modern equivalent of the musket over the fireplace, to survive.

Can America recover its sense of mission?

By Hilmar von Campe ( It is about time that America and the Western world go back to their roots in order to understand the nature of our organized enemies, and in order to defeat them. Such enemies include the Islamic terrorists. The shallowness of our so-called leaders is appalling in that they do not acknowledge this necessity.

Christian teachings include the concept that mankind’s history is a moving process which culminates in the second coming of Christ and the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth. Eschatology is the doctrine concerning the ‘last things’ – the final consummation of God’s purposes in creation and the final destination of individual souls and all of humanity.

This Christian concept was stolen by the fabricators of materialistic ideologies who replaced the divine link to eternity with a secular culmination in their hate-driven ideologies. The National Socialists, generally called Nazis, had a vision of a German national community and a world run by the master race – themselves. The final destination for international socialists, the communist Marxist-Leninists, was defined as a global Socialist and classless society which, however, would be a totalitarian system run by godless functionaries. The destination of radical Islam is a Muslim world where the Muftis rule and no other religion exists. Those who kill unbelievers refusing to convert to Islam are promised awards in paradise.

Followers of these three godless ideologies consider themselves part of a process in which they change the direction of history to reach the final destination. They are groomed to invest their whole existence and life into achieving victory for their ideology. This is also a perversion of the Christian teaching that Almighty God wants the whole person and not just some part.

The West has lost the concept that history is meant to be a movement of humanity toward God. It has eliminated Christian teachings as irrelevant for the political process and has reduced the Christian message to a purely personal affair. American like Western Christians love their comfort and do not want to risk their existence. Western nations and their political and religious leaders therefore do not understand the purpose and motives of their ideological enemies, nor do they understand their mindset. They have their own mindset and mistakenly assume that others think as they do. They don't!

This ignorance leads to dangerous political concepts like believing that we have won the cold war and the Russians now are our democratic allies. The reality, however, is different. Gorbachev, Putin, Yeltsin and all the others are the same dedicated communists as always but have only put democratic labels on their outside.

Similarly fatal is to believe that the Arabic Palestians are the real owners of the land which is “occupied” by Israel, and that peace will be achieved if they get their own government and are given more of “their” land. Ownership and “occupation” is the other way around, Arabls live on land which already thousands of years ago was part of an Israeli state.

Even more dangerous for America is the attempt to form a North American Community. It would destroy our sovereignty and uniqueness, make us a multicultural country with economic reasoning and cripple our mission to carry freedom to the last corner of the world. It is that task which links this nation to the historic movement of humanity toward God. But it needs more than military power.

Freedom without the absolute truth of God as a standard cannot last. Liars are on the wrong side of the ideological battleline. The battle for freedom must be the battle for truth to defeat the power of the lies penetrating our society.

That is the reason why Christians must enter into the ideological, political and moral battle for America, beginning with making the family again the center of our society. Pastor Thomas Merton pointed out that a person “who has meditated on the Passion of Christ but has not meditated on the extermination camps of Dachau and Auschwitz has not yet fully entered into the experience of Christianity in our time.” Author Richard J. Foster comments that this kind of meditation is best accomplished with the Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other. Amen! ------------------------------------ Hilmar von Campe is a former Hitler Youth and soldier in the German army. In America he founded The National Institute for Truth and Freedom.

Imam's prayer in Texas Senate excludes Christians

By Michael Del Rosso ( Re WorldNetDaily story, April 5: What the hell are they thinking in Texas? Why would State Sen. Florence Shapiro have invited this guy? I have always said that multicultural political correctness is a form of self-loathing, and I can only assume Shapiro is infected with that bug to suicidal proportions.

As Ann Coulter says in her current column, after setting a context for democracy-building in Iraq by noting that it even took Moses 40 years to get a generation that didn’t want to go back to Egyptian slavery:

    “Also this week, we celebrate a fast-track to freedom that doesn't require 40 years in the desert. But as I recall, the suggestion that we convert Muslims to Christianity was shot down early on in this war. If you want a shorter rebuilding process, then we're going to have to wage less humane wars. The enemy – as well as innocent civilians – must be bombed into quivering terror. Otherwise, we displace aggression but don't destroy it.”

What do the Islamofascists want?

By Dave Petteys ( If one can get past the minutiae of the bickering in the West over the war, (resolutions for pullout, whining about Halliburton making too much money, etc.) what is manifest clearly is a lack of understanding what the war is all about and what is at stake. The place to start is with the Islamics.

They are motivated by an eschatological view that sees the struggle with the West building to a cataclysmic battle that will result in the entire world placed under the domination of Islam (see among many sources “The Fight for Jerusalem” by Dore Gold, Regnery Publishing, Inc. Washington DC 2007, Introduction). Their subjugation of Jerusalem and building the Caliphate are essential ingredients of this vision. But what do policy makers in the West see?

Being for the most part secularist, they dismiss such apocalyptic visions contemptuously, pointing out similar views are voiced only at tent revival meetings in the rural south. (Yet our Southern Baptist friends don’t have their hands on the instruments of apocalypse as the Islamics soon will, if they don’t already). And since the secularist mind doesn’t grasp (cannot grasp) the religious significance of what’s motivating our enemies, they lapse into what they know best: Marxist economic causality.

Suicide bombing is caused by poverty, they suggest. If we’d just share the wealth, it would all go away. Or terrorism is caused by fighting it, and if we’d stop, it’d all go away -- what I call the George Soros thesis, a view pushed by his and most of the mainstream media in the West. Thus appeasement and accommodation are the solution to the problem with Islam in secularist eyes. Accommodate the cab drivers in Minnesota, twist Israeli arms to force more “land for peace” concessions, pull out of Iraq! The view makes perfect sense: if only it were true.

The Clinton Administration didn’t fight terror, treating it as a “police problem”. Yet the attacks grew in ferocity and frequency. The 9/11 hijackers and the London tube bombers of 7/11/05 were all educated and middle class, not poverty stricken! So were the bombers apprehended last summer in London as they tried to bring down a dozen airliners over the Atlantic. Yet the secular mind persists in its myth.

The Islamics, for their part, smell blood. Rather than being satiated by concessions, they are invigorated. It brings their vision a step closer. Israel pulling out of Gaza in August 2005 is a case in point. Rather than removing an Islamic grievance that was accepted gratefully, it was considered a victory for Islamic arms and brought the rocket launchers that much closer to the heart of Israel. Pulling out of Iraq and handing it on a platter to the Iranian Mullahs will have a similar effect. Rather than bringing peace, it will move us a step closer the Caliphate and the cataclysmic apocalypse, sooner rather than later.