Pastor and anti-Nazi martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer did not shrink back from the politics of no good options. He loved his neighbor enough to engage as best he could. Can we in conscience do less?
With all the harm a Hillary Clinton presidency could do this country, it seems to me that classical ethics and biblical morality, as well as political prudence in the face of two distasteful options, call for supporting Donald Trump with all his flaws.
The presidential race is a sad and troubling spectacle, an ominous hour for our country with only distasteful options. There are perhaps 100, even 200 individuals I'd prefer to Trump. But there are 1000 that I'd prefer to Hillary. So with a heavy heart I've decided.
Because friends often ask how I’m voting and why, here’s my take on this year’s measures. Keen observers will see I am voting a straight-ticket “No,” and for good reasons.