False ideas have not only gained a hold over the minds of millions. Such ideas are now attempting to silence all dissent. Freedom of thought is at stake. We’re being asked to live by lies.
America’s historic political ethos of mutually respectful disagreement has soured into accusations of bad faith and disloyalty across the left-right divide, and columnist Bill Moloney doesn’t like where things are headed.
Can the US, as we make proxy war on Russia in Ukraine, succeed where Napoleon failed in 1812 and Hitler in 1941? Columnist Bill Moloney has his doubts.
How odd. Democrats’ unexpected strong showing in the 2022 elections has emboldened President Joe Biden to push ahead with his unpopular policies in 2023 and seek another term in 2024, marvels columnist Bill Moloney.
The midterm election results bespoke not only political stalemate but also civilizational decline. American conservatives are trustees of a troubled legacy. Will we prove trustworthy?