Fitch, the credit rating agency, warns that the US is drowning in debt. Historians have long seen it coming, observes columnist Bill Moloney, yet policymakers remain largely oblivious.
Victory in Ukraine remains a fond wish for the US and its NATO allies, observes columnist Bill Moloney, but he warns it’s becoming ever less likely in light of military history and facts on the ground.
With Americans wearily pleading “None of the above” to a Biden-Trump rematch in 2024, columnist Bill Moloney reflects on how political temperatures could cool if the matchup were Ron DeSantis vs. Robert Kennedy instead.
History doesn’t repeat itself, we’re told, but occasionally it rhymes. Columnist Bill Moloney wonders if Bobby Kennedy taking on President Johnson in 1968 has found its rhyme in RFK Jr’s 2024 challenge to President Biden.
Columnist Bill Moloney observes that as Beijing goes from strength to strength, an ancient Chinese classic, The Artof War, may hold prescient warnings for policymakers in Washington.