Bible Monday 11/28: Peter's Promise

Psalm 2:1-12. The timeless question is posed in the opening line and elaborated through this Psalm: Why does the worldly mind so hate God the Father and Christ the Son? And which side am I really on, right now today?

Isaiah 33:1-24. How can I better orient my approach to politics around God's complete ownership and mastery of all three branches of government (verse 22)?

Revelation 6:9-17. Am I grateful enough for the blood of the martyrs, ancient and contemporary? By what evidence does my life show it?

Luke 22:31-34. What well-meaning but shallow-rooted promises have I made to Jesus, over which I may later weep like Peter unless I take my game up a notch, starting today?

These are some of the questions I asked myself in studying this morning's four readings from the St. James Daily Devotional Guide. Click and see what you think.  Where is your self-examination leading today?