Bible Wednesday 9/28: That Shining Face

Psalm 119:121-144. What task or encounter is before me in the next 12 hours of this day that I would approach differently if truly mindful that I'm God's servant before all else (verse 125)?

Job 35:1-16. Is there anyone against whom I am unjustly imputing God's disfavor, as Elihu does here against Job?

II Corinthians 3:4 - 4:6. Does my heart have any dark places in it, on which I can ask God to shine not just the idea of Jesus, but the very face of Jesus (verse 4:6)?

Luke 9:28-36. How can I be more alert and awake, less sleepy, when the Lord wants to show me wondrous things and involve me in his plan of salvation (verse 32)?