Studying this morning's four readings from the St. James Daily Devotional Guide (click to subscribe), I examined myself with these questions. Where is your self-examination leading today?
Psalm 38:1-27. Has there been a time when I felt deserted by family and friends with nowhere to turn except God (verses 11,15)? How did it work out? What did I learn?
Genesis 18:1-33. Does Abraham’s argument with God over Sodom’s fate encourage us to bargain in prayer? If not, what is the lesson here about how to pray and what to expect?
Hebrews 9:23 - 10:4. Why is Jesus’ second coming important to me (verse 28)? What does he require of me on that day, and in the meantime?
Matthew 5:38-48. What enemies, as persons or as groups, would Jesus have me earnestly love, bless, and pray for at this time of political polarization at home and rising tension abroad (verse 44)?