"Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits… who satisfieth thy mouth with good things.” Those lines from Psalm 103, used for many years as a table grace in my father’s family, are perhaps the first Bible verse I ever knew by heart.
Over many years since, I have learned how this beautiful psalm not only promises that God will feed us. It also says he cleanses our sins, provides for us, protects us, fights our battles, pities our frailties, keeps faith with us across the generations, and dispatches his angels to guard and guide us. He does it all.
Recently I’ve been working on learning the whole psalm by heart—and since it is powerfully applicable to the Covid crisis right now, I prayed through it aloud for my latest offering in the daily devotional video series our Presbyterian church has been sending out during lockdown.
“Praise the Lord, my soul,” it begins in the NIV version you’ll see me using here. (The wording I grew up on was King James Version.) I invite you and your family to join me and my family in praying Psalm 103 together as we stand our ground upon God’s never-failing promises amid this pandemic. He is faithful!