Bible Sunday 1/12: A Soldier's Faith

Studying this morning's four readings from the St. James Daily Devotional Guide (click to subscribe), I examined myself with these questions. Where is your self-examination leading today?

Psalms 30:1-11. Verse 5, when has God sustained me through a night of tears and brought me joy in the morning? Application to present needs?

Genesis 12:1-20. Walking by faith, Abram heads west for a destination unknown. When has God set me in motion with no certain outcome? What did I learn?

Hebrews 11:8-16. Looking for a better country and a city built by God. In this new year ahead, how can I balance the two roles of a spiritual pilgrim on the road but also a citizen of the here and now?

Matthew 8:5-13. Today shall I have an active faith that seeks out Jesus and brings him my needs, and not merely a passive faith that sits home hoping he will show up?

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To go deeper, see interpretive notes by Bible scholar Patrick Reardon for many of this week's readings.