Bible Saturday 5/4: The Best News Ever

Studying this morning's four readings from the St. James Daily Devotional Guide (click to subscribe), I examined myself with these questions. Where is your self-examination leading today?

Psalms 5:1-12. Verse 3, how can I make better use of the morning time I spend with God, so that my day is fully centered on him from the start?

Ezekiel 27:1-36. Further foretelling the woeful ruin of Tyre. Should I be doing more to guard my heart against making a false god of money, material possessions, achievements, and status?

I Peter 2:11-25. What would it look like to expose myself more to suffering for Christ, in thanks for his having suffered for me?

John 7:25-36. The Jews puzzle over who Jesus is and what mission he’s on. What person may now be ready to hear my testimony about having gained the answer to that same puzzle?

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To go deeper, see interpretive notes by Bible scholar Patrick Reardon for many of this week's readings.