Whose roadmap will America follow?

The left has its roadmap, much of it detailed here. Violence, intimidation, deceit, and lust for power are inherent in where they are going.  They have made pursuing happiness (life) difficult for sane individuals who are independent, on the right, or those on the left who aren’t radical socialists.

Too many in the left’s base excuse these tactics, too many turn their faces from the obvious, too many will not renounce how awful their leaders have become.  Not enough walk away.

For independents, libertarians, and those on the center-right, there is a conundrum.  Choosing a roadmap that doesn’t lead to civil war is getting harder and harder, and that can all be laid at the feet of the leftists who have taken over so much of the Democratic Party: the media, Hollywood, and so much of the internet giants like Google, Twitter, Facebook, et al.

Most days, the lies we hear would be laughable, but when this vicious deceit has continued for decades, repeated daily by those who should know better, it grows weighty, pressuring many to want to give up, or want to fight that civil war with these people, or run away.

There have been historical parallels, some in our history, and in other times and places.  We don’t want civil war, neither to believe how crazed our opposition is, but here we are.  Losing our cohesiveness as a culture, losing our viability as a nation, we stand peering over a cliff, wondering about the future.

The left’s long march through our culture and institutions has been devastatingly powerful.  While we lived our lives, worked, raised families, participated in our communities, they were setting long-term ways of ruining so many good things, cementing ways they could control us, our bureaucracies, our government, our education system, and steer many into believing their BS.

This must end.

A recurring principle in our culture has been that of second chances.  We can start over.  We can regenerate, reset, wipe the slate clean, and begin our lives new.  This theme has given Americans resilience, a source of strength, heaping blessings on us all.  It’s a principle from our Judeo-Christian heritage, it’s deeply imbedded in our great faith, it’s been studied, even spawned an industry of self-help books, blogs, and podcasts.

America is a place of positive hope. The shining city on the hill the world aspires towards. The pursuit of happiness writ large. This principle is where we need to look in this dark time. Because we need to start over. Our culture loves second chances; fueled by the Pilgrims, our founders, our history.

Consider these thoughts from the very author of rebirth, Jesus, two thousand years ago.  It has long been part of our country’s roadmap:

“Ask and it shall be given unto you; seek, and you will find; knock and it will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.” (Matthew 7:7)

Americans have prospered from this contract.

As mentioned above, we are facing crisis.   A crisis we have little answer for.  One so deep, so obvious, and so backed by the hard-left and their oligarchic class of tech billionaires.  Our culture is splitting apart, our divisions are destroying us.  Too many see America as an awful place, determined to make that a self-fulfilling prophecy.

They want a revolution, to overthrow our institutions.  Totally.   They mangle this great principle of renewal.  Making it impossible to happen again.  We haven’t been this culturally precarious in our lifetimes.  We are at a fork in the road, where we can go down in flames with the hard-left, or repurpose our culture.

This is where we are, and in this time, we clearly need divine inspiration more than ever.  And following is the true inspiration we need from God, with a condition, and a promise to us all:

“If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14)

The importance of this can’t be overstated.  Our nation desperately needs healing, and we all need to fully grasp why.  Because even if we win an election, or a Supreme Court nomination, the devil’s grip of the hard-left won’t be stopped.  Just postponed.  It’s why we need to turn to something greater than ourselves.  Because we need miraculous intervention.

We must recognize that none of us have all the answers.  We ofttimes get it wrong.  All of us.  We have all failed to discern just how crazy, and powerful, the left would become.  We failed to stand up against them for decades, not knowing how to defeat their terrible ideas.  We didn’t beat back their insanity; we didn’t live our lives well enough to eradicate their evil from our culture.

So we begin with humility.

If you lean agnostic or atheist, take a long look here.  You don’t know everything.  Starting over in crisis is your need too.  Reexamine your ideas, your principles.  Seeing things anew, viewing old principles from a new angle, it’s what we need.

Spiritual leanings or not, recognizing our own flaws, our own shortcomings is THE important beginning.  Seek wisdom, seek advice outside ourselves, scour for the truth.

Then yes, we need to pray.  Pray for our country.  Pray for our divisions, for one another.  Pray for solutions to the violence and hatred. Pray.  Hard.  Don’t stop.

Break this madness of the radical left, consider where we can find answers, look for ways to restart.  Seek for the finest truths that will give us solutions to move forward.  Seeking His face means looking for the highest truth.

Having done that, having reexamined ourselves, praying, seeking His face, there is one last thing we are asked to do:  Turn from our own wrongdoings.  Who among us doesn’t need to do that?  If you don’t understand that, seek help.  Because it’s what we must do.  We get things wrong.  We miss the mark.  We aren’t as smart as we should be.  We don’t do all the right things.  We err quickly.

And we have to turn from all that. It’s not negotiable. It’s what we must do.

Only then does the roadmap begin, our better roadmap countering that of the left. Only then can our nation, our culture be healed. It’s a promise: Do those things and we will be forgiven, and our land will be healed. Real unity can happen. Ultimately it can only happen from the hand of God.

We are barely four weeks from an election that will determine more than we have seen in our lifetime.   We should start now by remembering Ben Franklin’s advice at the Constitutional Convention in 1787:

“The longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth - that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without his aid? We have been assured, Sir, in the sacred writings, that except the Lord build the House they labour in vain that build it. I firmly believe this; and I also believe that without his concurring aid we shall succeed in this political building no better than the Builders of Babel: We shall be divided by our little partial local interests; our projects will be confounded, and we ourselves shall become a reproach and bye word down to future ages.”

Sound familiar?

Ask, seek, pray.   All the way to November 3rd, and beyond.  Daily, hourly.  It’s the real roadmap.  It’s time to ask God to turn the tide of history towards sanity again. The alternative is incomprehensible.

David Prentice lives in the Midwest. He has published in American Thinker and Epoch Times, and is now working on a novel. Contact: davidprentice2@yahoo.com

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