Psalm 66:1-20. Among everyone I'll come in contact with today, who especially needs to hear me declare what God has done for my soul, and could do for theirs (verse 16)?
Job 21:1-34. Trusting that God is just, yet so often seeing injustice prevail in this world, what alternative have I but unwavering humble faith in him, like Job's?
Numbers 21:4-9. Seeing the way God foreshadows here through Moses what he would do for us centuries later through Jesus, how can I fail to real all of the Old Testament as a seamless prologue to the New?
John 3:11-17. How can I keep the Cross vividly before me today (verse 14) so that I live fully in the beauty and power of verse 16, never making it a sugary cliche?
These are some of the questions I asked myself in studying this morning's four readings from the St. James Daily Devotional Guide. Where is your self-examination leading today?