Bible Thursday 10/3: Who is My Neighbor?

Studying this morning's four readings from the St. James Daily Devotional Guide (click to subscribe), I examined myself with these questions. Where is your self-examination leading today?

Psalms 85:1-13. Verse 10, which of these divine attributes come more naturally to me, truth and righteousness or mercy and peace? Expressing all four in better balance, with God’s help, couldn’t I serve the kingdom better?

Job 42:1-17. Verse 10, God restored Job when he prayed for his friends. Who especially needs my prayers today? What’s usually my primary motive in prayer, to get or to give?

II Corinthians 6:11-7:1. Verses 14 and 17, be not unequally yoked, be separate. How can I balance this with the endeavor (previous chapter) to be Christ’s ambassador? Who or what should I unyoke from today?

Luke 10:25-37. Who needs me to stop, cross the road, and actively be a neighbor to them today—taking effort, expense, risk, inconvenience, and care to “be there” in their hour of need?

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To go deeper, see interpretive notes by Bible scholar Patrick Reardon for many of this week's readings.