Bible Sunday 3/23: If You Dare

Studying this morning's four readings from the St. James Daily Devotional Guide (click to subscribe), I examined myself with these questions. Where is your self-examination leading today?

Psalms 60:1-12. Verses 3 and 4, what hard things has Gd been showing me this year? What banner of truth has he spread over me to make the struggle bearable?

Proverbs 18:1-24. Verse 10, when has experience shown me that God’s name is a strong tower, a place of safety? Present application?

I Corinthians 1:1-9. Verse 4, in what specific way do I need to see God’s grace—as given by Jesus Christ—-manifested around me today?

Matthew 16:21-28. What is the cross that Jesus has given me to carry personally at this season of my life? Am I getting better at it?

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To go deeper, see interpretive notes by Bible scholar Patrick Reardon for many of this week's readings.