Studying this morning's four readings from the St. James Daily Devotional Guide (click to subscribe), I examined myself with these questions. Where is your self-examination leading today?
Psalms 50:1-23. What will today look like, hour by hour, if I live up to the standard God describes here? What will today look like if I just skim the surface and hope to slide by?
Proverbs 16:1-33. Verse 25, when have I willfully followed my own sense of right and paid dearly for it? How can I commit today’s decisions and choices humbly to God?
Romans 16:1-16. Paul’s honor roll of the Christians at Rome. Who are some leading names on my honor roll of faithful believers? How can I emulate them today?
Matthew 13:53-58. Jesus unrecognized in his own hometown. In the last few days, haven’t I again and again taken the Son of God for granted? What is the consequence? Action point for today?
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To go deeper, see interpretive notes by Bible scholar Patrick Reardon for many of this week's readings.